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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @sam5

05/05/12 11:14:38AM
3 posts

New way to introduce yourself

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Sounds like a great idea, i'm new here so connecting with some like minded people would definitely help to me to feel I was part of a greater community.

03/26/12 08:19:15PM
3 posts

patience in an instant gratification world.

Introduce Yourself

Thanks for the reminder that i need to just be who I am regardless of the corporate culture. Surprisingly I went into work without tidying or covering and no one said anything. Perhaps that thought I had a bad hair day and were being kind, but it was liberating to not do the hair and just go. I guess we will see if their reactions change over the next few months. Thanks

03/25/12 12:33:38PM
3 posts

patience in an instant gratification world.

Introduce Yourself

So obviously I am new to the site, although I have been lurking for about a week. I have found heaps of great info to which I am thankful as i had originally planned to go to a salon to do it, now it will be au natural. I have wanted dreads for ages and even started some back in my early twenties, now closer to forty I have decided that it is time. I have short hair about 3 inches long, although thick and curly (Caucasian hair), but I hated having to pay to get it cut, I hated long hair because it required time and lots of maintenance. At present I have stopped doing anything other than washing with dr. Bronners which is what I have used for ages anyway. I realize my hair is too short to really dread yet - thus the patience factor, but this my journey and I am ready for it. My concern is ways to keep the hair looking tidyish, I work in a quasi corporate world that does require a certain level of status quo maintenance. Does anyone have some suggestions for keeping short rather wild hair underwraps?

updated by @sam5: 01/13/15 09:22:37PM
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