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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @jimmy-dc

Jimmy DC
07/03/14 01:58:17PM
86 posts

How to get flour off dreads?

Dread Maintenance

If the high pressure water doesn't work, I would really appreciate if there is any sort of way to get rid off it through vinegar or something. If your hubby doesn't know any methods I will just go the long way and do each one individually... got lots of time in the summer. Thanks

Brandi Wilson said:

My husband is asleep right now but he is a chef. When he gets up I'll see if he has any ideas for you. It seems like there would be some kind of solution or mixture or like maybe white vinegar...(just a guess, it cleans everything else). I know I have been thinking about doing a color run but I've heard that stuff is hard to get off everything without dreads. Good luck!

Jimmy DC
07/03/14 01:56:07PM
86 posts

How to get flour off dreads?

Dread Maintenance

I will try the highest pressure in my shower today, hopefully it works. I will let you know how it works. Thanks for the input

soaring eagle said:

if it never got we t it shoulda justr fallen out when shgaked out but once wet it will get doughey and yea doing what yiour doing probly is best bend emn twist em kink em anything that breaks up tyhe dough into chunks

i cant think of much beyond that this is something new that is like a mental puzzle that needs to be figured out and from what i imagine the consistency to be the working it trying to break it up seems logicaly to be the best idea this might be a question more for a chef

something that will break it up dilute it into a watery consistency

now that i think of it that way what might be worth trying is long soajks with rough agiitation like youd get in a washijng machine..or high pressure blasting like a sandblaster hbut with water u know like those things they sell for powerwashing if u crimp a hose down to a very small hole so u get a very powerful stream that jusats blasts it away

im split here tho on 1 hand moisture may make it more gummy less likely to flake out but enough water and pressure may dilute it enough or blast it away


tough call

Jimmy DC
07/02/14 10:50:34PM
86 posts

How to get flour off dreads?

Dread Maintenance

Alright so I was leading my town's middleschoolers in a WyldLife camp and one of the events is a crud's war with flour, some gooey stuff, sand and water balloons. I didn't think much of it and of course having long hair and about 15 months of freeforming dreads my head was a clear target for more than one middleschooler out of the four hundred there... It was fun and about 4 or so kids threw all their flour in my head/dreads and well it got wet with the water balloons and what not and I decided to take a shower to get rid of whatever was left in my dreads, but that didn't happen it seems like the flour just dried up in my dreads and even tho I spent a long time in the shower a good amount stayed. I didn't think much of it as there was a pool at this place and thought that it would probably fall off once i went into the pool, but it didn't. I probably went into the pool on 3 or 4 separate occasions after getting the flour in my dreads and its still there. The best way I've found so far to get rid of it is by grabbing each dread individually and kinda roll it between my fingers and see the flour start falling off. Anybody has any recommendation on how to solve my issue? I probably got the flour on my hair/dreads like three or four days ago and I think it looks grody and it probably does look like wax. Thank You for everything

updated by @jimmy-dc: 01/13/15 10:04:32PM
Jimmy DC
06/04/14 02:08:16AM
86 posts

How to prevent and/or treat mold and mildew?

Dread Maintenance

So for about one year and a couple months I have been growing natural dreads. Haven't done much other than just let them be, wash every two or three days, and separating. And of course I got most of my knowledge from this awesome community. However it seems to be sort of something that happens every once in a couple months, that somebody will post a heartbreaking story about finding grody amounts of mold/mildew in the center of their dreads. And well that made me personally very self conscious about my own dreads. And just recently I started sensing this sort of odd smell to my head and cut a dread and seem to have some mold or mildew (don't really know the difference haha) in it. I have been really calm about it and today I checked this other half dread, which is basically what I call a dread that forms from a knot of fallen hair that gets tangled and I don't realize for a while and basically this sort of dread forms and it has a weird-ish look to it and I can tell it is not a real dread, long explanation that isn't really important, but yeaa I had one of them and i took it out and cut it in a bunch of different pieces to see if there was anything inside, and there was... it also seemed like a very small amount but it still grossed me out because it was in my hair. I instantly ordered the rot knot because I've read here that it works wonders and once i get it myself and use it, I will write a review on the site. However I wanted to get a discussion going so more experienced dreadies can give out advice and newbies don't go through having to go through mold/mildew

First I wanted to know what is the main cause of mold and mildew? And why it might occur in dreads?

-I think it has to do with water but not fully sure about it.

Second, is there any home recipe for it? I know that the rot knot will be a great product, but i know there's a bunch of members from all over the world and getting Vickis stuff shipped overseas is probably expensive.

Lastly, what methods are there to completely go through a mold/mildew free dread experience? This is more of a question for the dreadheads who've done it for years and have never had an issue, or anybody actually.

Thanks for the answers

updated by @jimmy-dc: 01/13/15 10:04:12PM
Jimmy DC
05/29/14 02:45:13PM
86 posts

Two dreads maintenance questions

Dread Maintenance

Awesome, thanks soaring eagle. Also I was wondering, now that you mentioned that we have such different results with the shampoos/barsoaps. I thought that once dreads were more mature and better sectioned, one should move into the bar soaps, or is that not necessarily right? I usually buy in a small bulk amount like three or four items because the shipping stays the same. And right now I still got a bar and a half left, so before ordering the rot knot I was wondering if you'd recommend going back to the locking up shampoo for a couple months, or just stick with the bar soaps? Thanks for the help

Jimmy DC
05/29/14 01:29:39AM
86 posts

Two dreads maintenance questions

Dread Maintenance

Last thing, I have heard about the rot knot, but I was wondering how you guys or if anybody has had a positive experience with it

Jimmy DC
05/29/14 01:25:14AM
86 posts

Two dreads maintenance questions

Dread Maintenance

First question, is cutting a dread bad? Like today i was going through one of my first couple dreads, the more mature ones, and then for quite a bit of time i have noticed that there is this big chunk of fuzz in it, which is not a big deal but I've wanted to take it out for a long time and after messing with it for a bit i realized that the more i digged into it the closer to the center of the dread I would get, and mostly due to curiosity and precaution i kept kinda stabbing it a bit with tweezers until i decided just to cut it, close to the bottom like 1/2 inch to see what was in the middle.

This brings me to my second question, in the middle of the dread there was this whitish kinda looking stuff, it wasn't a gross amount for me to freak out but rather seemed to be just starting. And after messing with it for a bit most of it was gone, but still if it was in there its probably in the rest of the dread/dreads. I fear it to be mold, starting up. would that be the best guess? or could it be something else?

I've been using the bar soaps from Vicki and before that i did the lockin up shampoo. I think I'm close to 14-15 months since I started my neglect dreads

Also last thing, it seems like everytime I wash my dreads, there's some spots, especially in the very top/front of my head where there are still not very dreaded areas that start congoing, and it seems to happen all the time after washing them, anybody has any recommendations for it? A way to keep em separated or a way to prevent this.

updated by @jimmy-dc: 01/13/15 10:04:08PM
Jimmy DC
05/29/14 03:14:42PM
86 posts

Second thoughts

Introduce Yourself

Hey man no idea how old you are, but I started my dreading by the end of my senior year in a town that is very preppy/rich suburban area in CT. And well most of my friends and teachers have not really seen somebody with dreads before, other than bob marley and sadly Lil wayne haha. But yeaa I got both support and questioning to my decision. But I found the secret formula, give zeros. That simple, those who support and think your air is awesome might desire to do the same as you but due to fear to judgement haven't even started. If somebody looks at you wrong and is judging you hard, smile back and wave (I've done it) and those people will feel bad because they realize that their ignorance in judging somebody due to their hair or appearance shows poorly on their part. And if they don't feel bad, doesn't matter, you most likely wouldn't want that person as a friend. Life is as simple as you make it, we're not the center of the world, maybe that person is having a bad day or has bad sight and you might think they are looking at you strangely. I work as a cashier in a supermarket and go to uni(summer now tho) And I have mostly experienced positive experiences. If you smile at somebody it is very likely that they'll smile back, that's what I try to do, and people see that I am a friendly individual and small talk mostly about my hair and how long I've grown it and all this other stuff comes up, and they leave smiling. Some people are just grouchy but we all have crappy days so I try to now judge them even when they give me an attitude, I also have to suck it up, but I just brush it off, no need to worry about it. Keep the dreading up man, you're getting lots of support from us, and probably close friends at home, maybe not family, but I think growing dreads shows maturity and an opportunity to grow as a person and get past society's norms, and many of the norms are just outdated tradition, or pure prejudice and judgement, which I hope as a society we grow out of. Well best of luck man, keep those dreads up and separating is a pain but we gotta do what we gotta do, at least we're not combing haha

Jimmy DC
05/20/14 01:21:55PM
86 posts

Sham Wow Towels

General Questions

Wait so you're saying the shamwow towels are actually good for drying dreads? Just making sure that's what you meant. And they don't leave any fuzz behind?
soaring eagle said:

i think when u 1st get it u should totaly soak it..fill a sink then squeeze as much into..then out of it u can it will hold alot

i just wrap around..squeeze not wring

i wrap it round all of em squeeze and it gets all the drippiness at least outta all of them

if i wrung em and did it again in smaller handfulls i bet id cut the drying time down alot more

of and i got fuzz from everything..everything but these

Jimmy DC
05/18/14 12:24:13PM
86 posts

Diegos' Timeline - T&R

Member Journals and Timelines

awesome dreads man. I know what i'm gonna be doing all summer now... Beach time!!! You made the process look short and sweet, keep on the great progress!

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