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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @rorin-an

Rorin Đan
06/10/12 10:22:57AM
2 posts

5 months free form

Member Journals and Timelines

So my hair looks like this after 5 months of "not taking care of them" as some would say. :D

Lots of love from Slovenjah!

updated by @rorin-an: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
Rorin Đan
12/29/11 01:14:26PM
2 posts

Starting the journey - any advices, answers, encouragements are welcome!

General Questions

Hello. :)
I'm about to start my "dreadlock journey", but I'm still not sure about few things, so I'd be really grateful if any of you could answer some of my questions.

First of all, I intend to go the natural way - no combing, just separating hair every once in a while and watching it grow the way it does. I have thick, curly hair, I've been dying it with henna for a year or so. I'm using a very simple shampoo, the ingredients are just the basic ones (if you know what I mean, no hardcore chemicals), it's not very agressive. Should I start using some other, more organic product, when my hair is slowly going to "shape" itself?
And also, the thing I'm questioning the most of all is washing my head, because I sometimes have dandruff and my scalp gets very itchy, and I think I'd need to wash it more than required.And how about when you for example, wash your hair, and the water gets INTO the dreadlock? Is that alright or you have to be extraskilled to handle such situation? (haha, jk)

So... sorry for such confused and omg-everything-is-so-new messy message and my clumsy English :D And thank you, if you took time to read this and leave me some information. :)

May the force be with you!

P.S. I know that there's been a lot of discussions about similar stuff that I am asking about, but somehow I still feel the urge to ask it myself. Ftw? Haha.

updated by @rorin-an: 01/13/15 09:16:12PM
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