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Forum Activity for @angel-frye

Angel Frye
06/25/13 11:20:17AM
409 posts

Any tips for visually reducing a large forehead?

Dreadlock Styles and Dread Styling

Scarf wraps. That's about the only thing I can think of right off hand. It might look really cute, too!! Your style changes a bit when you get into locking up your hair.

I have the same issue, dizzy. My Irish/Scottish forehead is just... wow. A billboard. A scenic route with freckles. A sun reflector. Those are just a few self deprecating things I've thought of over the years. lol But I've just learned to live with it and laugh at it as part of my heritage.

I have found that having the hair up on top of the head can distract the eyes a bit and make large facial features seem smaller. So loosely flipped in a pony tail pseudo-bun, maybe? I wear it like that a lot out and about. You just put your hair in a loose pony tail but don't pull it all the way through.

It's kinda like how a person with a lot of long hair doesn't seem like they have such a big ass but when they chop all their hair off up in a pixie cut suddenly all you can stare at is their barn wide ass. It's not barn wide, of course. It's just the visual balance is lost from top to bottom from what you're used to seeing on them. I've had this happen a lot with friends who suddenly got in the mood to 'lighten up' their hair style. They' find that they don't like their lower half in the mirror anymore. Weird, huh?

So if it's all a visual trick and it's all about balance then maybe wearing your hair higher up will make eyes focus up there instead. Try it and send use some pictures from different angles. Just bear in mind that as you lock up that everything changes. It gets wild and hair for about a half a year so you'll automatically be fuller on top. That in itself might be all the change you need.

Angel Frye
06/26/13 07:58:16AM
409 posts

Advice on starting with already damaged hair.

Introduce Yourself

That ingredient list makes it sound like they don't want to be too specific about their 'sulfectants' with their customers. Yeah, I'd stay the heck away from it if you wanna lock up. ANYTHING that is supposed to make your hair 'healthy, bouncy, shiny' is flat out WRONG for dreads, as a general rule. Dreads require a whole new mindset on soap.

In the beginning, you cannot go wrong with baking soda and tea tree oil. Just make sure your ratios are right.

Check out the dreadacation tab up above to get that. Also, some essential oils can be moisturizing if you put enough of it on your hair. Just a tip and something to watch for as you're deciding how much to use. 3 drops per cup of water is perfectly fine and has medicinal properties + great scent.

Angel Frye
06/25/13 06:25:46PM
409 posts

Advice on starting with already damaged hair.

Introduce Yourself

Can you give us the list of ingredients?

Angel Frye
06/24/13 03:19:20PM
409 posts

Advice on starting with already damaged hair.

Introduce Yourself

Euuuwwww. Yeah, SE, backcombing would be a major no-no for that kinda hair. Snap crackle POP goes nearly every hair shaft. It'd be a wreck. Twist and rip should probably be out of the equation, too.

Just let it go, Selena. Let your hair do what it wants to do while cleaning it like all good dreadies do and you'll be gorgeously dready in no time.

I know a few people who purposely dye their hair(chemical or henna) to help the locking process along. They just don't use any conditioners afterward; only do the dye itself.

Angel Frye
06/24/13 10:15:41AM
409 posts

Advice on starting with already damaged hair.

Introduce Yourself

Oh yeah!! AWESOME! Dyed and damaged hair is PERFECT to lock up, Selena! See, the scruffy cuticle of the hair tangles a LOT easier than smooth perfectly healthy hair.

No prep is needed. Just go to the dreadication pages and you'll be locking up in no time. The Dreadication drop down menu is up at the top row of tabs where is says from left to right, "Home," "Dreadication," "Forum,"...... and several others. That drop down menu there is a treasure trove, my dear.

Angel Frye
06/25/13 10:57:51AM
409 posts

This pain in the @#$% lock is about to drive me crazy- help!?

Dread Maintenance

Now I woke up this morning and she's a big fluffy tangled mess again. Doesn't wanna be like anyone else, shit. She wants me to .... never mind. I'm not even going to say it. That's Dread Cruelty. I'd go to dread-karmic hell.


ok. A wool cover? maybe? but they're too big. It'd fall off. This is a micro lock.

I wrapped her lattice style with embroidery thread all by herself just to give me some amount of relief. That's all I can think to do.

Thanks for letting me vent, ladies and gents. Dreading up hair is a fickle thing, fraught with insanity at times. I've handled everything pretty well up 'til this point-- ten months' worth. But scalp pain?? hell no. I went neglect for a reason. I know this is an oddball occurrence, this kind of irritation. So any newbies reading this, don't get the idea that this is what you have to look forward to because statistically, you don't. I just have a really sensitive scalp.

Angel Frye
06/24/13 11:11:27PM
409 posts

This pain in the @#$% lock is about to drive me crazy- help!?

Dread Maintenance

On a cowlick. Nope. I rooted around and moved stuff and she's not on a twisty cowlick area. My head is very symmetrical with how it's locking up and all those cowlick areas have already locked up tight. They were the first to do so.

Here's the weird thing, she's only tangled in the middle, not the top or the bottom. That's what really is strange about it. All my locks have started near the middle and then crept up and down with the tangles. That's pretty standard for me. She's normal in how she's moving along.

So no tight roots, Baba. And seriously, after dealing with this cranky bitch I don't understand exactly HOW people can stand interlocking!!!!??? The pain would make me go batshit crazy. I'd shave my head after a day of this all-over-agony.

I just untangled her almost completely a little while ago. Give her a time-out in the You're-Not-Ready-To-Dread little girl corner. We'll see how she does. Thanks for the help, guys. Maybe she'll do better next time 'round.

I don't know what the hell is up with this section. It's fine. Everything around it is nearly mature. She just acts like she doesn't want to be there at all but doesn't want to be with anyone else, either.

Emo hair. lol

updated by @angel-frye: 07/23/15 04:13:11PM
Angel Frye
06/24/13 03:36:11PM
409 posts

This pain in the @#$% lock is about to drive me crazy- help!?

Dread Maintenance

Laura, a comb? Shit, I'd use a speculum if that'd help. lol I've never had a lock this cranky before.

Barrellady, I have left her alone for days on end and it's the same thing. Ouchies, hanging free. If I have her up then it's a bit better. This little femme hurts like she's got a five pound dumbell tied to her. I checked my scalp and there's no irritation of the pores and nada hairs pulling. I have to do the snip thing quite often on others so that was my first instinct, was to check that. Tying her up to other nearby locks was my last resort before asking for help here.

I'll try to loosen up the knots a bit and see what happens. Thanks! Thankfully, she's not that far along.

SE, I''ve got about a half dozen of those micro-mini-locks like what you're describing. They're so cool! I love playing with 'em. But yeah, they are their own entity for the time being. Or they'll merge over when they're ready. I don't care either way. But I do know how to handle them. This one in particular, though, is cranky for reasons unknown.

It's sad, though, because this cutey pie is just getting started as of two weeks ago. She was loose and not a tangle in sight and all of a sudden it's tantrum city. I was glad to see some progress with her. Now, not so much. She needs a freaking binky. Or a spanking. Or something. I don't know.

Angel Frye
06/24/13 12:42:40AM
409 posts

This pain in the @#$% lock is about to drive me crazy- help!?

Dread Maintenance

She hurts on her own. That's why I tried to join her with the nearby ones to see if that's where she is supposed to end up. But nothing felt comfortable.

Maybe she's just emo.

Angel Frye
06/24/13 12:22:33AM
409 posts

This pain in the @#$% lock is about to drive me crazy- help!?

Dread Maintenance

Oh and I just counted today and I have 58 total now, YAY!!! July 1st will be my 10 month dreadiversary.

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