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Forum Activity for @dustin-sweed-vano

Dustin Sweed VanO
01/07/12 07:22:05PM
1 posts

Severe Dandruff

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

seems like everytime i wash my hair its got more and more knots:)

soaring eagle said:

i did a lil observation with water running down the hair

this is what i observed

1st off the surface tension of the water pulled hair into sections the water running down these sections seperated it from the others

then 1 single hair that wasnt in perfect allignment would cause turbulance like a boat through the water or a plane through the air this cay=used eddies which pulled more hair out of iallignment causing loops curls and...knotsnce u got some knots started it really alters the linear foow of the water down the hair increasing this effect

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