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Forum Activity for @dave-waters

Dave Waters
12/29/11 04:11:18PM
2 posts

Love and peace from me to you.

Introduce Yourself

In Nelson for the rest of summer then heading to South East Asia. Would have been cool to get a tour from a fellow dreadhead. Hope you're staying safe and not getting affected by the quakes.

Cliff Loc*head said:

Hey man, welcome to NZ. Im in Christchurch, let me know if ya make it up this way. If ya wanna check out some cool sights then head over to the West Coast if ya get a chance. Catch ya

Dave Waters
12/29/11 07:37:45AM
2 posts

Love and peace from me to you.

Introduce Yourself

It is finally time for me to write a little about myself and my dreads.

I have wanted to dread my hair for some time now and have always been working in places that wouldn't accept it so it kind of got put on the backburner. I have since quit my job and have gone travelling for a year in New Zealand. As this was a year for journeying I thought I may as well start my own dread journey too.

I hadn't done much research into how to get dread I just knew, 'separate and backcomb'. So with much persuasion, willing hands were on call to spend hours on a rainy day in a hostel in Dunedin and I had myself some pretty decent looking dreads.

Now over three wonderful months the dreads have come loose, fallen out, tightened up, knotted together, come apart and have generally been wonderfully interesting. I have taken to root rubbing (mostly because it has become really relaxing) and the occasional rolling of a dread in my hands if it starts getting a bit fluffy.

I have naturally dead straight hair that doesn't knot easily so getting them to actually dread has been quite a mission. No wax has been used though. Thanks to this site I found out about salt water in a spray bottle and that has helped massive amounts. I should only need to use it for a couple more months then it can do what it likes (the hair I mean, not the salt spray).

I will be updating my profile with occasional info about travels and my dreads if anyone is interested in my dreads growth.

Stay happy always :)

updated by @dave-waters: 01/13/15 09:16:12PM
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