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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @goodbyebrush

06/05/18 01:28:47PM
22 posts

Shrinkage and loopyness following lice treatment... Worried about ends...

Help! Save My Dreads

06/05/18 12:49:48PM
22 posts

Shrinkage and loopyness following lice shampoo and washing it out... Worried about ends not staying loose...

Hello all,

So I got back home yesterday to find out my girlfriend had gotten lice from the neighbors kids, so I decided to get treated, since we'd both spent the day before with the kids - no biggie - however, the last time i used a supposedly perfume free lice shampoo (the leave in for 15 mins I'll ind), the smell made me really sick as I'm allergic, so this time I went with another product with no smell, but it had to stay in for 8 hours(!!!), and after spending a gazillion more hours washing it out, my dreads had shrunk to about half their length, because they had formed a s...load of loops.. My first instinct was to just accept it and move on, but then I started worrying about my ends: I don't want them to round up, I want them to stay loose so that water can drip out without hindrance! I've thought about conditioner, but honestly I think there's nothing I can do but accept it - that's why I'm here, just to hear you guys out.. You never know, perhaps someone's had the same experience/result and find a way out?


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