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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @terra-harrison

Terra Harrison
09/22/11 07:53:14PM
1 posts

natural dreadlocks or neglect method dreading

Dreading Methods

So, i pretty much just started dreading about two months ago give or take. And i'm trying to keep it all natural. No products what so ever. Just backcoming and twisting and rubbing it thru my hands. seems to be working just fine. i already have two little ones in the front a bunch of random big ones randomly placed through out my hair. Its a very slow process and the rest of my hair that i haven't started on just looks nappy and crazy and drives me a little insane. but i agree that wax does not belong in my hair no matter how much it's supposed to speed up this process. I'm so glad I decided to start this finally after years of talking about it (:

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