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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @karrington-3

Karrington <3
10/04/11 12:54:31PM
94 posts

Sad story vent/rant..

Introduce Yourself

I rub his balding scalp sometimes and he'll tell me to stop.. He makes light of it more and more now.. he's growing to accept it..

Anthony said:

This young age losing hair stuff is for the birds lol, hope your boyfriend is taking it better than I am. But thank you for the positivity! I'm going to attempt my journey again if I can someday, hopefully that someday is in the near future. Once again, thank you so much.

Special K said:

Sugar, my boyfriend is loosing his hair too hes only 24. Its gonna be ok.. *hugs* If you think you want to grow em back.. We all are gonna support you one way or the other.. *Hugs Hugs Hugs*

Much love to you..

Karrington <3
10/04/11 11:56:29AM
94 posts

Sad story vent/rant..

Introduce Yourself

Sugar, my boyfriend is loosing his hair too hes only 24. Its gonna be ok.. *hugs* If you think you want to grow em back.. We all are gonna support you one way or the other.. *Hugs Hugs Hugs*

Much love to you..

Karrington <3
09/30/11 08:32:15AM
94 posts

Wax Removal?

Help! Save My Dreads

I read somewhere else on here that someone had used dish soap and it helped really well.. maybe try ajax or something like that.. My mom uses that kind and I know it is pretty stout stuff that may do the trick.. Good luck, wax is a bitch (speaking from experience)

Karl Edwards said:

Okay, I was lookin at Goo Gone but I read it's not that strong and it said some people weren't satisfied cause they ain't use it for it's purpose.. Someone said Goof Off works better. It says it removes glues, tar, etc. Ppl are sayin it's too strong lol, Tryna scare me with they customer reviews. Where's SoaringEagle when you need em. . .

Karrington <3
09/28/11 07:51:03PM
94 posts

A question

General Questions

Im doing the natural method to an extent.. I started out just twisting my hair in little curls(you can see in my pictures on my page) and one day it decided to stay that way.. :) It is actually WORLDS easier than some think.. also if you let your hair do what it wants, it creates some of the most precious dreads.. good luck on your journey! Keep us posted!

Dreads Spread Love..

Karrington <3
09/28/11 10:07:17PM
94 posts

Beautiful Dreadies :)

General Talk

Children are delightfully simple.. The world hasn't gotten to them yet and contaminated their precious little minds.. :)

CrazyDaizy99 said:

Honey in the hair sounds pretty gross and like hell to clean. It is funny the myths that people believe about dreading. I also get asked a lot how I "made" them and when I try to explain to people that they made themselves they don't get it. They'll say, "yes but how did you start them". When I say I stopped conditioning and combing and allowed them to mat and then separated the mats they still don't understand. They think I magically weaved them or something, LOL. A little girl asked a cute question the other day though. She asked me what would happen if I started using conditioner. I told her my dreads mights start to come apart and that would make me really sad. The child had no problem understanding the concept of the tangles forming on their own without the use of conditioner. Why don't adults get that?

Karrington <3
10/03/11 10:13:08PM
94 posts

loving more

General Talk

Ah me too! *hugs*

Change~ said:

im the same way, helping people feel at ease. makes me feel better that i could help at the same time :)

Karrington <3
10/03/11 09:10:41PM
94 posts

loving more

General Talk

I like to make people feel at ease.. I am only doing what I know is best to help make the world go round. Being kind is in my nature and its really all I know.. Haha, I'm glad I am not the only one too.. Also, if you ever wanna talk, you know where to find me :)

Karrington <3
10/03/11 07:35:50PM
94 posts

loving more

General Talk

True.. And if they did, (and this happens to me more than I would care for it to) you need to reevaluate the people you hang out with. I am told often as well that I act older than I am and I like those compliments. I really am saddened by society these days and I don't even want to think about the world that we live in.. It really is depressing. But on a lighter note, I don't keep many friends for that very reason because of trust issues, their acceptance of me etc etc. I don't think I should have to change how I am because they aren't comfortable with me. That's not really fair is it? I have to say I like your attitude, you have a kind soul and I wish you much love and luck in your life as well as your dread journey. :)

Karrington <3
10/03/11 06:48:50PM
94 posts

loving more

General Talk

Well, I have always having people telling me how to feel, how to act, how to think. Now in my life I live how I want to. I don't like to be mean or whatever but I will if I need to. I treat others with respect and that's all I ask in return. I don't judge, don't force my religion on anyone, & I don't care for drama and backbiting. Like I said, I love a man with emotions, and it is perfectly ok to have emotions.. Don't ever let anyone tell you any different.. :)

Change~ said:

social norms, taught me to bottle shit up, then the military tought to disconnect. so it just go worse. i forgot, if i ever knew i dont know, how to...but its so easy for my to well up like im going to. just dont know how to truly let go in that sense.

Special K said:

That doesn't make them men @se, makes me angry that people think that way.. I love a man who can cry as hard as me and still hold his own when need be.. guys don't need to be tough all the time.. let your emotions and feelings pour out! :)

soaring eagle said:

haha yea how dare u have testicals and admit to feeling things haha i had an argument on fb awhile back (on 1 of our members walls) with this dude who said hed beat his lil bro up if he ever showed any signs of emotion or ever refused ti fight over petty lil things

its kinda pathetic the things some men do to prove they are men haha

Cameron Sean said:

Can definitely relate as well. I'm glad that you posted this more men need to admit thing's like this. Welcome Home.

Karrington <3
10/02/11 10:38:44PM
94 posts

loving more

General Talk

That doesn't make them men @se, makes me angry that people think that way.. I love a man who can cry as hard as me and still hold his own when need be.. guys don't need to be tough all the time.. let your emotions and feelings pour out! :)

soaring eagle said:

haha yea how dare u have testicals and admit to feeling things haha i had an argument on fb awhile back (on 1 of our members walls) with this dude who said hed beat his lil bro up if he ever showed any signs of emotion or ever refused ti fight over petty lil things

its kinda pathetic the things some men do to prove they are men haha

Cameron Sean said:

Can definitely relate as well. I'm glad that you posted this more men need to admit thing's like this. Welcome Home.

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