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Forum Activity for @kneecoaleye

10/19/13 02:51:36PM
2 posts

Question about first weeks after T&R

General Questions

Thanks so much. :) I didn't realize T&R would come undone as much as it has, but after the initial set up I was hoping to just let them do their own thing. Guess that works out. And thanks for the advice on sleeping with them down.

10/19/13 02:38:59PM
2 posts

Question about first weeks after T&R

General Questions

Hi everyone! I'm a almost at 2 weeks on my dread journey and I've been having a little bit of an issue with some of my babies in the back (near the nape of my neck) getting loose and a few toward the crown of my heard clumping together at the roots. Is this normal? It really only started happening after I slept with my hair up. Should I stop doing that? And is it okay to just rip/pop the combined dreads apart since its only a couple hairs near the root and not the whole dread?

Thanks so much. <3


updated by @kneecoaleye: 01/13/15 09:58:58PM
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