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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @awakndbysunrise

09/17/11 12:48:32PM
5 posts

help with scalp gunk...please!

Help! Save My Dreads

so, here is an update

I have been using the suave dailyclarifying shampoo and it seems to be working great. I have been putting whatever I use in a very large cup and then letting the shower head fill and mix it up and then pouring it over my head and scrubbing. This seems to be the current solution as i havent been having the gunk problem. I tried the DHHQ shampoo once more and it still left gunk, im done with it. so i am gonna do the suave most days and the nutrogena anti-residue every once in a while. I still want to find something a bit more natural and less commercial, so i will see what i can find, but for now this seems to be working. Any continued suggestions/comments/questions are still welcome. Thank you so much everyone for the help!


09/03/11 10:27:06PM
5 posts

help with scalp gunk...please!

Help! Save My Dreads

ok, here is an update

tried a BS wash - was not any better, still plenty of I...

...broke down and used some of my roommates kirkland brand regular shampoo - totally removed it, better than the neutrogena anti residue shampoo, but it really dried my scalp...which was fine...obviously dont want to keep using it though

then a couple days later
tried the dreadhead headquarters shampoo again, not as much gunk as usual, but still there might be a combo of sebum, scalp flakes, and (depending on the shampoo) some soap scum. I still really dont know what it is but this is my best guess so far. I have decided that what i need is something that cleanses and acts like a commercial shampoo with as little residue as possible, since the commercial stuff seems to be solving the porblem better than anything else I've tried. I am going to try the Suave clarifying shampoo next and see how that does.

**i am still very open to suggestions and advice, please let me know if you think i am wrong about something or if u think you have any helpful suggestions.

Thank You

08/27/11 03:03:02AM
5 posts

help with scalp gunk...please!

Help! Save My Dreads

thanks for the replies everybody, i am gonna try the acv/bs mix in the next day or two and then post the results. Its not in the dreads at all just the scalp. I will keep you all posted and any more comments or suggestions are still welcome.

08/26/11 02:33:06AM
5 posts

help with scalp gunk...please!

Help! Save My Dreads

Thanks for the response soaring eagle, I will try the BS/ACV next.

It really cant be wax tho, I can tell there is none in my dreads or on my scalp. i only used a very small amount a couple of times almost two months ago and did not melt it into the dreads. My dreads aren't so thick or fully locked that I could not tell if wax were still there. And the gunk is not there if I use the neutrogena anti residue shampoo and then returns when i use another shampoo. The gunk also is not there or hard to see when the scalp is dry.

is it ok to just use the neutrogena anti residue wash every time I wash, at least until i get this figured out? I also have been considering t-gel. i really wanted to use Dr Bronners but it seems to be leaving too much soap scum on my scalp with the hard water.

maybe the BS/ACV will do the trick...idk

iappreciatethe help. any more opinions or ideas would beappreciated.


08/26/11 12:21:17AM
5 posts

help with scalp gunk...please!

Help! Save My Dreads

Hello everyone,I started my dreads about two months ago with backcombing. I used wax for the fist couple weeks and then managed to get it all out, **i promise i am 100% sure i got the wax out and it is not the cause of my problem**, when I realized what a mistake it was to use wax. I've got some fairly normal loose hair/baby dreads issues that i can figure out on my own but i really need help with this one and am really frustrated.I have been switching between Knotty boy soap bar and Dr Bronners peppermint liquid soap.Every time I shower, which is every 2 to 4 days depending, i am left with a layer of white gunk on my scalp. At first i thought it was the wax but once all the wax was gone the gunk remained. I believe it is soap scum and/or scalp skin bits. It got a bit worse when i went to my apartment and used what i think may be hard water compared to where i was staying for the summer. It actually left a red ring on my scalp at one point, not sure if it was a burn/irritation of some kind or maybe even ringworm. the ring went away after about a week. i decided to try the neutrogena anti residue shampoo and it seems to be the only thing that gets rid of it. I just not got the Dreadheadhq shampoo in the mail and tried it out and the gunk was still there, so i used more neutrogena after the DHHQ and it got rid of it. I don't know what to do!Should i just use the NG anti residue shampoo every time i wash (it says to only use it once a week)? should i try bakingsoda and ACV? should i try t-gel. I dont know what to do and really dont want to cut my dreads off. Please help me!Peace and Love
updated by @awakndbysunrise: 02/14/15 09:15:37AM
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