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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @simplespiveys

02/11/14 02:16:03PM
58 posts

List of all dreadhead jobs!

dreads jobs employment issues

It's kind of funny how some stereotypes get formed about those with dreads and work. Either people automatically assume you're unemployed or people with dreads have only a few options. This thread proves that wrong, lots of diverse jobs and that's great.For the duration of our whole relationship to present, we have been self employed. Both of us sell things online. I usually say "things" because if I went through the list of all we've sold, it would be way too long. He usually sticks with selling anime, but I've been on etsy off and on selling handmade and vintage items and ebay for the most part keeping like new textiles out of the landfill. I loved thrift stores so much that I turned my hobby into a job.I personally couldn't handle working for a corporation for only minimum wage again. The workers are treated like tissues and there's barely any time off. I like freedom.
02/05/14 09:52:10PM
58 posts

Gilly's Mum Said "NO!"

Dreads in the Family

Everytime I try to "love" this, it brings me to the top of the page and doesn't work, so: Well done!
02/27/14 12:32:25PM
58 posts

6 months of backcombed dreads

Member Journals and Timelines

Wow! It looks like you didn't back comb to death and your dreads got more personality that way. Awesome timeline!
09/13/13 02:30:26PM
58 posts

Natural dreadlock process

Member Journals and Timelines

It's really fun seeing others journeys through pictures. hope you enjoy the journey for as long as possible cause they look great on you. It's gonna look even better as time goes on. Looking forward to seeing your updates every now and then :)
02/05/14 09:39:13PM
58 posts

What method do you think this lovely lady used???

Dreadlock Picture Gallery

Twists made with gel. It's a faux dread look and washes out. I know because I watched someone get them done once out of boredom.
02/11/14 02:30:06PM
58 posts

Discrimination against dreadlocks in school hair wars on individuality

Life Issues Facing Dreads

I was going to start a new thread but this one is better. I wanna bring up the most recent(in the news) occurrence of an African American girl who had plaits not dreads done by her barber father and the school forced her to take them out. It was total b.s. Considering they looked very neat and tidy since they were manually produced.It made the news... How often do you think this happens and it doesn't make the news?I'm assuming they would have complained if she let her natural texture grow out as well. It's very stupid, and especially because I believe it was a private institution operating with The Lord in their curriculum. If that were the case, judgement should not have been passed if they were practicing what they preach.
07/09/13 04:04:28PM
58 posts

before and after dreadlocks pictures comparing dreads no dreads

Dreadlock Picture Gallery

So many pretty dreads! we cant wait to join this one when there's some actual dreadage.
12/09/13 10:07:34PM
58 posts

loops lumps kinks and zig zags in dreadlocks

Dread Maintenance

Cool squiggles Sonora. They have alot of character!

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