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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @reben

02/01/13 09:50:09PM
4 posts

Waxy white stuff!

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

yea sure, i get that. i stopped blowdrying my hair (with hot air) the same time i started cold rinses (bout 1 month ago). i understand that it opens up my pores more and probably puts more stress on my scalp. but as i said, haven't been using the blowdryer for a couple of months now...

So i'll just stay as clean, bronners-free, blowdrier-free and such until my scalp gets healthier.

02/01/13 09:53:32AM
4 posts

Waxy white stuff!

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

Fair enough, but i would really like it if it didn't build up that fast, and there's also so MUCH of it!

Oh well, I'll just keep the cold rinses up and try to wash as often as i can.

What do you think about blowdrying? I was blowdrying a lot at first, but i've stopped it now because i thought it might contribute to the buildup. Then again, blowdrying makes it easier for me to wash more often. Thoughts?

02/01/13 09:31:53AM
4 posts

Waxy white stuff!

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

I've never used wax, no. And my BS mix is mixed according to measurements found at this site, made by some pharmaceutical guy. And yes, my hair is kind of oily by nature.

And i've been doing cold rinses for about a month now, and the problem seems to receed, but i still have to wash 2 times a week. I would really love not having to wash that often, as i live in Norway and the weather is cold now in the winter, and i don't have the opportunity to rinse my hair everyday, because then it won't dry properly.

Sounds like the exact same thing BeauZay. Tell me if you ever get completely rid of it!

01/31/13 04:19:49PM
4 posts

Waxy white stuff!

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

Hey guys.

I've had dreads for 6 months now, and the last couple of months my scalp has started producing this white, waxy (sometimes flaky) goo that ends up under my nail if i scratch my scalp. I don't know what it is, and it doesn't seem to go away. I have heard about oily scalps taking some time to adjust to the new washing routines of dreadheads, but it surely shouldn't take as long as 6 months?

I've been washing with BS with tea tree, lavender and sometimes peppermint oil. I've also tried alternating with Dr. Bronners (Tea Tree scented) sometimes, but it doesn't help the problem and it leaves my dreads feeling waxy if not rinsed REALLY thouroughly. I've done some ACV rinses the last months, but that didn't seem to help either, and i stopped it when i read here somewhere that if your scalp is oily you shouldn't be using ACV.

I've been washing my hair approx. once a week, and i've upped the frequency to maybe 2 times a week the last month. It still doesn't seem to help, the waxy stuff comes back really fast, and i can even find some of it in my scalp RIGHT after washing.

I have moderatly hard water, and the last thing i tried was boiling the water I make the BS shampoo with. It got rid of more of the waxy stuff than earlier, but i'm still experiencing problems.

Anybody know what this is/how i can fight it?

updated by @reben: 02/14/15 09:19:36AM
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