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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @corrie-bordeaux

Corrie Bordeaux
01/06/13 09:01:40PM
3 posts

How to care for my dreads between washes? Also a quick essential oil question (:

Dread Maintenance

Truly I though it was good to get dread wet because water is an element known to make hair knot up the best I can say is wen u get them wet let them dry completely before u lay down or wrap your hair to keep your dreads from growing molding
Corrie Bordeaux
01/05/13 03:33:26PM
3 posts

Transitioning from maintained locks to natural locks

Introduce Yourself

Thanks I appreciate all of the helpful information you are providing
Corrie Bordeaux
01/05/13 02:07:33PM
3 posts

Transitioning from maintained locks to natural locks

Introduce Yourself

Is it possible to transition from maintained locks to natural locks cause I start from box braids and my plans was to keep the box braids and let the hair do what it wanted but i was presured to get it done before i went back to school when i was in the 8th gradeand if so is seperating your locks considered as manipulating
updated by @corrie-bordeaux: 01/13/15 09:43:08PM
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