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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @grace-miller

Grace Miller
01/23/13 02:23:06PM
3 posts

blunting the tips of dreads?

Introduce Yourself

Hey guys! I was wondering how i can blunt the tips of my dreads without crocheting, or backcombing if possible. I've used the twist & rip method + palm rolling with no wax or anything. so How do I get my ends to not be all whispy and annoying?

updated by @grace-miller: 01/13/15 09:44:35PM
Grace Miller
12/29/12 07:09:22PM
3 posts

wrapping dreads in hemp?

Dreading Methods

thanks! I'll take the hemp out and let them do their thang naturally :)

soaring eagle said:

the fuzzies will go away on their own (for the most part but its completely normal to have fuzziness) (its hauir after all)

wrapping in hemp can help somewhat and hurt somewhat it can hold them together so they dread without accidently being pulled ao=part (doing a hair wrap on straight combed hair will result in a dread after a few months) but wrapping a very young tnr dread will squish the dread real thin the roots will dred way thicker and the end result will be a thick dread with a thin tail on the end

Grace Miller
12/29/12 03:43:17PM
3 posts

wrapping dreads in hemp?

Dreading Methods

Hi, I have a few very new dreadlocks that i made using the twist & rip method. they were really fuzzy so i wrapped them with hemp string right away.i have a few questions:

does this help them dread? or should i have left them?

will the fuzziness go away on it's own?

thanks! any information helps!

updated by @grace-miller: 01/22/20 09:33:16AM
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