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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums
9 years ago
24 posts
Hello. I just joined this site and this is my first post. My name is Adam. I started the dreading process almost 2 months ago.Like most who pass through here, I went to a salon and had my dreads installed by a loctician. Normally, I am the type of person that doesn't put stock in a title (professional) and prefer to do my own research and education.Well, I slipped up. I got excited that I finally decided on locking my hair. I knew it was a process, but I wanted to "kick start" and expedite it as much as I could.So I signed on with this lady. Long story short, she used Knotty Boy wax with a backcombed method. Obviously, we all know wax = bad. So after following her directions for almost 2 months and educating myself, I prepared to remove the wax. I used an ACV, Citrus essential oils and hot water soak first. Then I shampooed several times with dish soap and shampoo. Afterwards, I spent a few hours combing out the few knots I had. Then a final shampoo to remove the wax in those knots. Hair is back to straight, no knots, but no wax.I want justice. I don't feel I should have to pay for a professional's service, that wasn't professional. Although highly unlikely in this unjust world, has anyone had experience in being refunded/compensated for this type of nonsense?Also, this person either needs educated or stripped of any loctician title. I fear for other people's hair. From talking with her, she is the type of person that has the mindset, "I'm a professional and you are not", so any info I give will fall on deaf ears.Aside from that, I am going to spend the next several days (or weeks) repairing my hair (and resting my poor scalp. Ouch!) before I journey into the thought of dreads again (it will definitely be natural/neglect method).Although I found this site after already learning about my troubles, I've browsed through and really like this community. I'm glad I joined. Thanks for your help.Adam
updated by @black: 01/13/15 10:06:42PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
9 years ago
29,641 posts

well some have gotten refunds others not and i am 100% willing to help out ifposdsible i have also called a lawyer but havent heard back yet about apossible class action lawsuite abainst the makers of wax we can look into that more as time goes by

but in the meantime you can tell her she can either give you a refund and stop destroying peoples hair with wax or be completely exposed and discreddited on the largest most trusted dreadlocks information sites

we have worked with the idea of a certified organic locticians list of ones that can be trusted (short list so far zero although 3 have been interested and willing to follow the guidelines)

so we can also start a certified certifiable list llol

a list of the worse of the worse

thatwill be a much much longer list

and she can be the 1str we add

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
9 years ago
24 posts
Thanks soaring eagle. I saw your thread about the possible lawsuit. I will add to or help anyway I can. Also with any databases or lists being created.I am going to reach out and try to talk to her first, and then if I don't get anywhere, proceed to go to management (they have a few locations around the area, so maybe that will spark a little interest/concern).Thanks for your response. I look forward to learning from and contributing to this site.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
9 years ago
29,641 posts

yea thats the best way to handle it

let me know if you want me to call and dreaducate her

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
9 years ago
24 posts
:) Will do. Thanks again my brother.
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