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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

Help in Tacoma WA

Valerie Robertson
11 years ago
4 posts
  • I live in Tacoma and I need HELP

  • Me

    I had my dreads started at a salon

  • Me

    and 1/2 fell out

  • Me

    Sooo back to another person to redo the ones that

  • Me

    fell out and touch up the others

  • Me

    and she used wax

  • Me


  • Me

    my hair was nothing but a grease spot

  • Me

    So last night I spent two hours taking them all out

  • Me

    no shears required

  • Me

    I'm Caucasian and my hair is about 5 inches long

  • Me

    I want to find someone in the area that know how to do dreads properly

Read more: thick locks ? help - dreadlocks forums
the best place for real dreadlocks
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updated by @valerie-robertson: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

dont go to any person salons all screw you demand a refund from both


let your hair dread itself or use tnr but do it yourself for freee

all you need to dread is a dread sjhampoo and throw your comb in the trash

it will dread itself just like that

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Valerie Robertson
11 years ago
4 posts

After taking my not so dreaded hair out last night it took 5 shampoos with BS and dawn dish soap to get the blankity blank wax out. NEVER again. Wax is for cars, not hair.

Going to clor my hair then do the tear and rip method.Third time should be a charm.

I'll keep you posted.

After doing the TR how long should I wait to shampoo????

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

you dont have to wait when you feel like it a couple days or so

just be sure to wash with the right stuff in the right way

yea that wax is nasty evil stuff

its really criminal that they still sell it and that salons still use it

id call them demand a refund and tell them if they think wax belongs in dreads they have no right being in business

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Valerie Robertson
11 years ago
4 posts

Thanks for your help. Wish I would have found this site a couple weeks ago. :)

Valerie Robertson
11 years ago
4 posts

What can anyone tell me about

Handmade Organic Lock Magic Locking Gel ?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

its awesome stuff

you dont need any gels but if your going to use 1 thats the 1 to use

you only need it if you have very hard to dread hair (like you went a year without a tangle)

the gels special cause after your hands are covered with it from applying it you dont even have to rinse them theres no stickiness no flakiness nothing its like it just vanishes leaving just a scent (if you choose karma scent)

about the scent karma has a slightly strong pine scent (it gets less strong after a bit) its a nice scent but some ppl might not think so

the unscented is ..well unscented

i would never put any other gel in my haoiir

but i had a couple beard sections that just didnt want to dread (always getting pulled apart) i put the gel on 2 times only and it got them dreading

to use

put a dam on the roots

wrap hand round the section slide down making a slight twist motion (not twisting the section tight or even a full turn just dont slide the hand straight down give it a lil 1/2 twist on way down)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
9 years ago
32 posts

SE, my hair is pretty fine and while I haven't gone a year without progress, you said I've had decent progress after 4-5 months (you saw my photos).  I'm wondering if I should try this stuff anyway or just let my hair continue its path?  

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