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Dirty looks and negativity

Destinee Duncan
12 years ago
4 posts

I really like your response to this discussion. (:

Necia Stoll said:

I get so many ppl asking how long it's been since I brushed my hair. You shoul see the horror on their faces when I say I can't remember lol. I just laugh. Ppl already knew I was weird, those that can't handle it have already been weeded out. But out in public with strangers, I just get looks to which I reply with a happy smile. Cuz I AM happy! Why should I let them change that?
12 years ago
12 posts

Jesus Freed My Soul!! said:

Smile, it confuses people:)

<3 it sure does!!!

The Knatty Lioness
12 years ago
4 posts

I am truly blessed with my locks and everyday they tighten a little more I find my inner peace and strengt growing h to handle the public. years ago when i had them i would react to defend them when i got the ewww stare or hear the nasty little comments in the check out lines like the day the lady told her kid "don't stand to close to her she's probably got bugs!" I simply reached across her cart to get something and scratched my head and smiled the look of utter shock on her face would put a smile on my face and a skip in my step lol. but as i take my journey this time i simply hold my head a little higher because to react would cause me to lower myself to their level and i am on a much higher plain than them.

12 years ago
11 posts

Whenever I see someone giving me an odd look, I just smile and say hi. Sometimes people don't realize that I can see the looks they give me, but it doesn't bother me. I don't live to please everyone.

12 years ago
81 posts

I've had plenty saying Bob Marley or Rasta or something like that, but i just take it as a compliment and then i feel even happier that i got dreads :)

Jack Lupino
12 years ago
6 posts

When I don't have the energy to deflect negative vibes from the ignorant masses I wear this hoodie that i cut the sleeves off of so I don't sweat. Also good for concerts and other places where there's sweaty possibly dirty people like spilling drinks everywhere.

When I do have the energy I let my hair out and just stand with good posture and and breathe deeply and no one really says anything. I have had people yell things like "get a job" and stuff from cars when I'm taking a walk, even though I have a profession and a car, I just like walking. It's amazing the balls people get when they they are speeding away in a car and your a pedestrian.

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