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Dreadlocks Forums

Hello again!

14 years ago
1 posts
So i've wondered away from this site for quite some time. I went to reregister thinking my account must have been deleted by now but WHAMMY there it was. Interests still all the same only....some..minor details. Such as the fact that my longish- new dreadies had been combed out since. Thought i'd say hi, a new beginning, a new chapter! Hello out there virtual friends!But here I'am again. Stronger, resilient! LOL determined.Now 1 month 3 weeks almost 4.What method you ask?Weeel that's a good question.I backcombed.Here's the thing about my hair its longer on the sides and on the top and a bit shorter in the back. So the sides and the top took the backcombing and are beginning to knot up on their own now.I sleep with a wool sweater on my pillow and wake up looking like madusa, it's all good.I'm also partial to sea salt spray which helps my ridonkulously soft hair a dry up a bit.The back of my head though has been flipping me the bird, in it's own way it's saying. Look man leave me alone alright? I'll get there. So I just have given up on it. Some spots though have taken, there are knots of course but comparably to the the rest of my hair it's miles away. So I figure whatever smoothed out in the course of washing etc will go the neglect way whenever they feel like it.Anyways just an update. Hopefully the backcombing method isn't approchaed hostiley in this forum.Sending good vibes from Canada the true north strong and free!
updated by @shayna: 01/13/15 08:49:28PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts
welcome back very cute and funky lookinwhy did u comb em out and seeems u got em alot shorter too

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