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Dreadlocks Forums

personal forums, any topic

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts
have a topivc your interested in? want to discuss something your passionate about?create and manage your oewn forums the groups are the way to go, you get your own mi8ni forum to talk about whatever you want. you can make em public or privare and be in full conmtrolwell..anything within reason that isofcourse its best to check 1st and see if theres already a group covering the topic.also if you dont have a local dreadheads group yet create 1 like scandanavian dreadlocks etcdreadlockssites main forums should be narrowly focused on dreads but the groups can be wide ranges of topicsgroups will have almost no moderation from site admins unless they become troublefor now a group u create will be entirely up to you to moderate as u see fitagain..within the group whatever u want but a good name and description will help your group growexample grafitti artists will get more interest then taggersand homeless rights activists would do better then i like bums(but then again i like bums will do great in countries that call butts groups allow you to have a far wider range of discussions without having to join multiple sites

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 01/19/15 11:19:07PM
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