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Lice eggs or not

2 years ago
2 posts

Hey i'm unsure if i have lice, so i had someting to zoom in with and found these lumps, of what looks like fat trough out my dreads. i wanted to know if anybody knows if this is lice eggs or something else. i have found no adult lice. since i found so many of these i was thinking that it might not be eggs since my head must be full with lice but cant find anything other than whatever this is?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
2 years ago
29,641 posts

Hmm that’s hard to be sure, are your dreads natural, had you back combed or crocheted? I’m thinking it could be. Do you feel itchy? Lice itch would drive you crazy. I only had em once, but considered setting my hair on fire to get rid of them.. that’s how crazy the itch makes you. (This topic makes me itch hehe) they look like they may or may not be but they can also be these “blowout” like damage I’ve seen. There is a form of hair damage that causes a lump like that. It’s almost like the inner parts burst through to form a lump. I wish they were just a lil more in focus. Was it a cell or a decent camera? Was it set in macro focus mode? I’m leaning towards it being eggs though. You can get it checked out free many places. 

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
2 years ago
2 posts

My dreads are not all natural i did them with a dread needle and went to a hair salon for dreads once. but other than that i have rarely used the dread needle. tried to take some better pictures. (they are taken with a microscopic thingy idk what its called. its not the best)

updated by @g-a-d: 03/07/22 04:34:11PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
2 years ago
29,641 posts

Are they all within the 1/2 inch 1cm from the scalp? The needle can do the exact damage I mentioned. It’s brutal and don’t use dread and needle in the same sentence. No needle should ever touch dreads even once.

Change if they are all within half an inch of the scalp then I would say definitely it could be eggs but if they are throughout the length it’s absolutely the needle damage

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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