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Locs journey .

6 years ago
1 posts

Anyone recently started & wanna take this journey together I’m on my 4th day. I’ll post some pics from 1st day till now. I used the twist & rip method with a little backcombing . In this link I will show you the progress so far

updated by @fuzzyfuzz: 03/24/18 10:53:17PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts


Anyone recently started & wanna take this journey together I’m on my 4th day. I’ll post some pics from 1st day till now. I used the twist & rip method with a little backcombing . In this link I will show you the progress so far

edited it to get the link to work

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

actually don't see anything at that link, you can use the embed media button to asd photos directly into the post

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

ok i saw them 1 take all the bands out right away

2 check the section sizes they ,look  bit big.. over an inch or size f a quarter can cause trouble

3 lots of rude comments on that site

your better off posting here you'll just get support and honest advice 

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
414 posts
That link just tries to get me to download the app then takes me to the Imgur homepage.

As SE said you can add pics into your posts.

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
6 years ago
75 posts
I can't see anything.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

on the right click the uploaded images link  1 sec


they are gone

there were 3 when you clicked submitted images

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
75 posts
I can't see the picture, but I did recruit someone from reddit to come over here to get better advice. I told him everything I thought he should do, but everyone was going against what I was saying. Maybe it's him. I told him about the bands and the section size.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts


probably him then

was mostly looking at the hair not face but if i  remember right had the impression of a good looking possibly mixed African amerian maybe Hispanic younger guy/  not too many dreads pretty big sections with bands and they were about 4-5 inches long ..looked like loose  twists?

on the comments on the imgur page all the coments were rude.. some sites and platforms, thats to be expected

well glad you brought him here so we can help him...kindly   (actually they weren't trying to help just be mean and rude)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 03/25/18 10:12:09AM
6 years ago
75 posts
Yea I'm almost positive that's him.

This is our thread. I'm apophenia
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