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Dreadlocks Forums

5 years freeform dreadlocks

6 years ago
7 posts

Hello, friends! First of all I would like to thank SE and all the members of this site for creating such a wonderful community and being so helpful :) I’m really happy I stumbled across this site 5 years ago and learned that you don’t have to make dreads, you can just let them grow. The very day I found that out I threw away my comb and have been happy with my hair ever since :) 

So I think I owe you guys a timeline. It took quite  some time for my hair to dread, but I enjoyed the journey anyway and I wouldn’t change anything about it if I could.


one week


5 months and the coolest baby dread I've ever had :)


10 months


My dreads marked their first anniversary by making a nest on my head. It might sound strange, but sometimes I miss that crazy and funny stage.


1 year 2 months


1 year 7 months


1 year 9 months. This is when they started resembling mature dreadlocks, I was really excited.



2 years and some of my favourite dreads at that time


2.5 years


3 years. I still had (and, well, still have) some undreaded hair but I didn't mind waiting - it's really cool to see how your straight hair becomes dreadlocks on its own, as if it was alive. 


4 years. I cut them a bit shorter because.. well, I don't know why. I just did it. But it gave me a chance to make sure they were absolutely clean inside, which made me quite satisfied :)


And here we are at almost 5 years. I'm really happy with them and I can't even tell you how glad I am that I found this site before asking someone to crochet them for me - I used to think that was the only way to get dreads.
Thanks again for spreading the truth and sorry for mistakes, if any :)

updated by @space-monster: 03/21/18 11:09:10AM
6 years ago
7 posts

oops, it seems I have some problems with photos placement :/ that's strange, it was ok on the preview 

upd: nevermind, I've fixed it :)

updated by @space-monster: 03/15/18 02:19:21PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

absolutely beautiful and worth the wait

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
7 posts
Thank you, SE!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

:)  the loops were incredible 

almost like telling a story 

absolutely love them <3

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
7 posts
Yeah, I miss them sometimes
But at least there is always some new hair growing, so I still have some loops from time to time)
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