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A few more questions / problems!!

Renee Stewart
11 years ago
19 posts

I am at about 3 1/2 months along my dreading process, using twist and rip method. (Yes, I re-tnr, ends only unless practically the whole dread has fallen out trying to leave it alone, then I tnr as much as necessary - and yes, I know most all of you are against this but it is a matter for another day. They have dreaded up pretty nicely for three months I think, and I have even been getting compliments)!

So, the big problems are: some of the dreads, mainly the ones at the top back of my head, seem to have this crusty stuff on them. I have no idea what it is, I scrape it with my fingernail and nothing comes off, it just feels really hard and crusty. I can't see anything on them in a magnifying mirror either. What could it be? I haven't used any products on it. I can only guess it could be un-dissolved salt water spray or baking soda. But wouldn't those wash out? This does not wash out. Is it just the way tightly knotted dreads feel? I don't really think that is the way they are supposed to feel.

I also have a terrible dandruff problem! I can feel scaly stuff on parts of scalp, tried tea tree oil (diluted) on it, and finally got some T-Gel, which I have used twice, and has not improved it. I am now ready for a third wash with it. Is there something else I can do? Oh, the last wash (after two T-Gel washes), I used the liquid dread shampoo with baking soda and tea tree oil added to it, and diluted with water so I wouldn't have to scrub so much (just on the dandruffy places).

I also wondered if there is any way to clean my scalp without disturbing the dreads at all, like a 'dry shampoo' of some sort. Sprinkle BS on my scalp only, then rinse later? Maybe leave it on overnight? I don't know, but I don't like 'fixing' them after every wash. Any way to be easier on the dreads would be great.

I was also wondering one more thing - can anyone personally vouch for the Locking Gel or the Himalayan pink sea salt spray from the shampoo shop connected to this site? I was thinking of buying them but don't want to do it unless people have had real success with them!

But, the dandruff and weird stuff along the dread are the big problems! I really appreciate any and all input! Is there any help out there, PLEASE??!!!

updated by @renee-stewart: 01/13/15 09:58:58PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

stop fixing them thats not helping things at all let them get loose your never going to progress if you keep that up

sytop using sea salt sounds like your over drying even frying

sprinkle on bs? nooo

ok im guessing your doing bs no acv with only teateree and teareee preobably waty too strong your frying the hair and scalp

do not use t gel!

tgel is the number 1 most toxic shampoo in existence

it also builds up

what you want is

best option teatree rosemary bar fropm dreadlockshampoo (bar has no sea salt)

best option while still keeping it dreading fast tyhe teatree rosemary liquid

next i]option

1 part baking soda 10 parts water 5 drops teatree 20 drops rosemary

soak 10 min then rinse

then acv 1 part cv top 40 parts water its a lil stronger then usualy recomem=nded for young dreads but u need it since you fried it

and it very well may loosen them up

undeer no circumstances should you even think about sdoing anything to "fix' them

leave them alone! if the tips come loose..let the tips come loose

if a dread falls apart let the dread fall apart

this is what you should have done all along

the pink sea salts and gel are awesome stuff but not what you need you need to stop worrying swtop trying to fi]=orce things to go fast and sit back and relax

do nothing at all but keep them clean and healthy

dont worry biout loosenesas or how they look

just keep the scalp and hair happy and they will make you happy on their own without all he effort

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Renee Stewart
11 years ago
19 posts

soaring eagle said:

stop fixing them thats not helping things at all let them get loose your never going to progress if you keep that up

sytop using sea salt sounds like your over drying even frying

sprinkle on bs? nooo

ok im guessing your doing bs no acv with only teateree and teareee preobably waty too strong your frying the hair and scalp

do not use t gel!

tgel is the number 1 most toxic shampoo in existence

it also builds up

what you want is

best option teatree rosemary bar fropm dreadlockshampoo (bar has no sea salt)

best option while still keeping it dreading fast tyhe teatree rosemary liquid

next i]option

1 part baking soda 10 parts water 5 drops teatree 20 drops rosemary

soak 10 min then rinse

then acv 1 part cv top 40 parts water its a lil stronger then usualy recomem=nded for young dreads but u need it since you fried it

and it very well may loosen them up

undeer no circumstances should you even think about sdoing anything to "fix' them

leave them alone! if the tips come loose..let the tips come loose

if a dread falls apart let the dread fall apart

this is what you should have done all along

the pink sea salts and gel are awesome stuff but not what you need you need to stop worrying swtop trying to fi]=orce things to go fast and sit back and relax

do nothing at all but keep them clean and healthy

dont worry biout loosenesas or how they look

just keep the scalp and hair happy and they will make you happy on their own without all he effort

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

you quoted that but got no reply can you rewrite it

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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