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Dreadlocks Forums

1 year of dreads!!!!!

adrian pacheco
12 years ago
45 posts
Today is the day my dread babies turn 1 year old they have changed a lot and look way different I'm so proud of them!! I have more congos now and hair that was growing turning into little dreads and I also blunted my tips and later today I'll buy a little cake for them lol I'll upload pictures when I'm on a computer I'm in my phone I'm also going to make a YouTube video I have a few but no one knows me (Adriandreadie) Also I did my senior pictures 2 weeks ago it was funny a bunch of people where staring at me lmao
updated by @adrian-pacheco: 01/13/15 09:32:05PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

congrats but i wouldnt blunt the tips if i were u it will make them take 5 times longer to dry

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
adrian pacheco
12 years ago
45 posts
I know it does take longer but I blow dry them some times and they dry faster and thank you hopefully I have mine as long as you have them one day S.E
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