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A fresh start!!! My metamorphosis

3 years ago
43 posts

Hey y'all! Im Kat. This is my  second  journey. After a year and some odd months, alot of tears, highs and lows and some deep conditioning, I decided to brush out my dreadies and start anew.  :)  my new babies are a few months old now and im loving my new journey. This new journey isn't just about my hair either. These past 2 years have been, to say  the least , a challenge. Between the pandemic, learning how to  do online  schooling with my kiddo, struggling with  friends and family , and even myself, fighting covid, i've started my denture journey. I brushed out my dreadies, got all my teeth pulled and now am getting my new smile soon! It's a whole new me!! A metamorphosis if you will. I cant wait to share this journey with yall! Buckle up y'all!!! Its a wild ride!  :)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
3 years ago
29,641 posts

Can’t wait to see how they turn out

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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