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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

My timeline updates often only pictures

6 years ago
21 posts

From Day1 - current = Day 14 = 2 weeks since i lay down my brush xD ( next picture will be up in 1 week = 3 weeks timeline)

After wash in diffrent angle's (wet hair)

Dry hair in different angle's as well!

Enjoy xD

I will have all my timeline info and all the picture's in my "timeline on my profile" go here - > My complete timeline from day1 with all my picture's to current date /day Enjoy ^^

Day1 And current day is enough , if you want to see all my picture's from day1 and forward to the current date see the link above ty^^

                                                   day 1

20180524_154638 (2).jpg20180525_130853 (2).jpg             and current day -> Day 14 = 2weeks > 20180606_103247.jpg20180606_103310.jpg20180606_103343.jpg20180606_103406.jpg20180606_103423.jpg20180606_103439.jpg

One of my favorite band/song is Mystic Revealers - All Over The World and Musical Garden

My reggae taste of music enjoy (see my profile for link (Spotify required)
My CompleteTimeLine from day1

updated by @dreaddyrob: 06/06/18 05:03:34AM
6 years ago
21 posts

wow i worked my ass off and this looks so bad hahahha well , when i have the effort i will defently change it ( any tip along the way whould be awesome) thanks again xD

One of my favorite band/song is Mystic Revealers - All Over The World and Musical Garden

My reggae taste of music enjoy (see my profile for link (Spotify required)
My CompleteTimeLine from day1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

edit it use normal not  float left

if you use float let write a paragraph that drops he next 1 below

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
21 posts

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

edit it use normal not  float left

if you use float let write a paragraph that drops he next 1 below

OK thanks for the heads up i try that ^^ PS: great forum btw you guys put alot of work into this , many great options to chose from , aprisiate it its damn nice DS:

One of my favorite band/song is Mystic Revealers - All Over The World and Musical Garden

My reggae taste of music enjoy (see my profile for link (Spotify required)
My CompleteTimeLine from day1

updated by @dreaddyrob: 05/31/18 05:08:05PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts


well its evolved alot over the last 10 years

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
21 posts

bump* updated 2weeks timeline ^^ xD

One of my favorite band/song is Mystic Revealers - All Over The World and Musical Garden

My reggae taste of music enjoy (see my profile for link (Spotify required)
My CompleteTimeLine from day1
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