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assholes at work

14 years ago
97 posts
Thanks for every bodys help i really wanted to blow up on them but then that would just be another reason to give them to stereotype dreads
updated by @cody1886: 07/23/15 06:27:09PM
Panterra Caraway
14 years ago
667 posts
I would have looked at them square in the eye and said, "As a matter of fact, my Grandmother is part you have a problem with black people?" I really wouldn't answer back with more hate because it puts you on their level and it gives them ammunition to fire back with accusing you of harrassment also. I would tell them that your hair is your business and that you can and will report them if they keep wasting your work time with nonsense. Good luck.
Peaceful Dread
14 years ago
24 posts
Like Neil said... kill them with kindness, prove them wrong.... show them what a nice guy you are. You now have a chance to teach a few ppl that their dreadlocks assumptions are wrong. It happened to me, not that severe though, but still... and all the ppl that were assuming things don't see my hair anymore, they see me. And today, because of that process, they look at dreadlocks differently. It is us dreadheads that create other people's image of dreadlocks, nobody else.
Heather Gamble
14 years ago
145 posts
loli usually tell people my family is black as im adopted yea that shuts em up right quick lol
14 years ago
97 posts
Thnx guys my two months is on 29th i will post more pics but i dont know how to change my profile pic.
Arturis Static
14 years ago
51 posts
try not to show that it bothers you, like others have said, kill them with kindness. Stop and think before you try and respond to them because your first reaction is to just insult them back.They are just hating and bored of their job,so they must find something to do.btw: Sounds like a very hostile work environment..You might want to file a harassment complaint..or if all else fails try other options (jobs).
13 years ago
27 posts
Say im not tryin to be black because I cannot imitate a color, say that our choice of appearance is just that, a choice. Tell them that your dreads are a symbol of how life should be, natural and different in all shapes and sizes. Tell them to go fuck themselves. The best insult you can deliver is to show others their own ignorance

Peaceful Dread said:
Like Neil said... kill them with kindness, prove them wrong.... show them what a nice guy you are. You now have a chance to teach a few ppl that their dreadlocks assumptions are wrong. It happened to me, not that severe though, but still... and all the ppl that were assuming things don't see my hair anymore, they see me. And today, because of that process, they look at dreadlocks differently. It is us dreadheads that create other people's image of dreadlocks, nobody else.
13 years ago
27 posts
Say im not tryin to be black because I cannot imitate a color, say that our choice of appearance is just that, a choice. Tell them that your dreads are a symbol of how life should be, natural and different in all shapes and sizes. Tell them to go fuck themselves. The best insult you can deliver is to show others their own ignorance

Peaceful Dread said:
Like Neil said... kill them with kindness, prove them wrong.... show them what a nice guy you are. You now have a chance to teach a few ppl that their dreadlocks assumptions are wrong. It happened to me, not that severe though, but still... and all the ppl that were assuming things don't see my hair anymore, they see me. And today, because of that process, they look at dreadlocks differently. It is us dreadheads that create other people's image of dreadlocks, nobody else.
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