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Maybe the oldest new Dreader here.

12 years ago
6 posts


I have wanted dreads for almost 30 years.

I am 50 years old.

Some men when they have there midlife crisis get a New Mustang, leave there wife and get a 21 year old Girlfriend


I get dreads!

Phuck what everyone else thinks, I worked hard and played Babylons silly rules and types long enough.

So i think that makes me the oldest guy here with least the OLDEST NEWEST DREADS, started may on May 20th with the T&R and following this site religiously

Iam not only supported, but encouraged by my wife and 18 Year old 13 year old is ANTI dreads and is hooked by the system so I have work to do there.

I am a Successful entrepreneur and really am not your stereo typical dreadlock wearer,...I have no problem with Weed i just choose not to smoke it......I am VERY annoyed that people think I smoke weed cause i have dreads.....They seem to go out of there way to tell me so.

Its okay just makes me want to continue this journey even more to break the stigma dreads have.

You Young ones take heart though even at 50 years old I am worried what my mother says and she had a cow......Not that i have to worry about that, just thought you would find funny it never ends! and we ALWAYS think about our mother!

I have my profile picture and will try to add some along the way of my journey

Enough about me.

Thanks for the Site,

Thanks for the information.

This site is what pushed me over the edge to getting dreads the ALL naltural no crap approach makes it simple and is what attacted me to jumping on board.

Keep up the Good work!

updated by @maddog: 02/14/15 04:44:59AM
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Welcome. I feel like there has been someone older, but Not while I was here, at least.

I don't smoke either. I did back in the day (I'm 25, so I mean when I was 16. feel free to laugh at me for saying "back in the day" as only 10 years ago). Whenever people ask me where to weed is, I just respond with "What, do I look like a pot head?". They laugh and I laugh. Tension broken

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

welcome but u arent the oldest we have a handful in their 60s dreding naturallyand started out within this year

so you maybe the newest older but not oldest newer dreadhead around

i smoke weed..sometimes actualy fairly rare but i enjoy it and its good medicine for kme but stll i get real annoyed when opppl assume and even wore i getr annoyed when thats all they ever wabt to talk to me about

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

I just get annoyed when that's all anyone who smokes can talk about. I ditched a few groups back in the day when I did smoke because all they talked about was where to get it, when they'd get it and what they did last time they had it. It got old really fast.

When I smoked, I liked to do things. Not just sit around and giggle

12 years ago
6 posts


Wow 60 and STARTING DREADS.... i am impressed

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

u should create a dreadheads over 50 group

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
47 posts

I was 46 in '09 when I started mine, can totally relate to the whole post!!! Both my parents were a little freaked when I started but now their proud of their son who goes against the norms of a Babylon society. Have a good journey, it's well worth it

12 years ago
84 posts

I'm 47 and I started my dreads 7 months ago. My husband is very supportive and my parents havn't said one word about it. My daughters don't really care what I do with my hair as long as I don't tell them what to do with their hair. :-)

12 years ago
6 posts

Klete, Sussi-Wow, thats pretty cool....I was on here looking for people closer to my age....feels good to know i'm not the only one starting at 50!

Maybe we should start a over 50 dread club!

12 years ago
182 posts

Welcome, and glad you're making the step after after 30 years. I'm a 50s starter too. I don't smoke, though I used to, and still believe it's good medicine for those who use it that way. I don't have any family living close by and no one around has given me any negative comment about my dreads (at least not to my face - Lol!). Often I wonder why I didn't start them years ago? But I guess things happen for unique reasons and at the right time for everybody.

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