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Dreading my lion's mane

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

no problem. Many people think you should separate them all the way to the scalp because they think that way the locks are completely apart from each other. But that is not healthy for your hair, scalp, or locks.

All you really have to do is grab 2 sections you want to be separate and pull them in opposite directions. The hairconnectingthe 2 will rip apart and eventually get sucked into the lock they are sticking out from.

updated by @baba-fats: 07/13/15 10:28:54AM
Lapis Angela Lazuli
12 years ago
76 posts
Ok I see. Thank you!
12 years ago
539 posts

I have a spot on the lower back of my head that is a constant struggle. 5 - 6 locks that I have to separate fairly regularly. Most mornings I wake up and they are stuck together for about 4" from the root (about 1/3 - 1/2 of the length.) Even at pulling them apart from each other every day I can never pull them apart all the way down to the scalp.

Lapis Angela Lazuli
12 years ago
76 posts
Wow that's crazy! That's how my daughter's hair too
Christina Rivers
12 years ago
5 posts

Thanks so much. This makes perfect sense. I was already feeling like I was detangling and stopping dreads from forming. Plus it seems like the more I separate the thinner the would be dreads get. I was just thinking as I fell asleep that "a watched pot doesn't boil" & that I should just let it go & stop thinking about it. So I think I'll separate once to twice a week. I wash my hair once a week (which is what I did before I started allowing it to dread also). Should I separate on the same day that I wash it & should I only separate while it's dry?

Baba Fats said:

Even with hair as curly as yours, you shouldn't have to separate daily. Most people separate once a week. In your case, I'd say no more than 2-3 times. The more you separate, the slower the process. You will be pulling apart hairs that actually should come together. If you think you need to d it every day, they will get caught up again in the impatient mindset of having to maintain you hair.

If you separate every few days to once a week, you will see so much more progress in between sessions. and the few days between wont harm your hair or make it any harder to pull apart. What it will do is help define you sections a bit more and make it easier for you to select how large of sections you want your locks to grow into.

Plus it will keep you from getting annoyed that some loose hairs are still there. You won't worry so much about how far along you are.

A tip for separating, as well... don't do it in front of a mirror. a mirror will only make you nit-picky and you'll end up separating so much that you pull locks apart that should form into 1 lock

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

That's up to you. I hear some people say it eases the pain a bit to separate when wet, and other say the other way 'round. Try it wet and see how it feels. I think Eagle is an advocate of doing it when they're wet.

I've got a really high tolerance for pain, so if it hurts when I do it, I don't realize it

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

its easiest to seperate when damp

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Christina Rivers
12 years ago
5 posts

Awesome, thanks. I'm so glad I don't feel completely confused anymore! :D

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