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Dreadlocks Forums

Starting over with neglect method

13 years ago
97 posts
Hey how's it goin? A few months ago I ended up cutting my dreads cause due to certain reasons... But any way so know I'm all the way back at square 1 my hair is only an inch 1/2 ... It freakin sux cause hair grows so slow... Lol but I've decided to just do the neglect method and was wonderin if I start now by the time my hair starts gettin longer would It start locking up as it grows or........ Should I just wait till my hair is 6 inches and then start negect
updated by @cody1886: 01/13/15 09:10:54PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

might as well starrt now it wuill dread when it does it might dread shoerter then expected or might not till its 6 inches

but i would start now and not expect much for a good while

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
97 posts
Haha thnx I'm not expecting much for a while but I guess I'll just have to have patience but I'll keep u posted if so miracles happen and it dreads shorter than expected... Thnx later

soaring eagle said:

might as well starrt now it wuill dread when it does it might dread shoerter then expected or might not till its 6 inches

but i would start now and not expect much for a good while

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

y did ya cut?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
97 posts
Job opertunity that didn't work out..... But I'm not ever cuttin my hair for any job ever again.... Their just gonna have to learn to love me... Lol I'm so mad at myself for giving in.... I waited for ever it seemed to grow my hair the first time... Wish their was a way to speed up hair growth

soaring eagle said:

y did ya cut?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

oh god i hear that sooo often in fact every single time practicly i ghear someone cut their dreads for a job they dont get the job but when thry refi=use to they do

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
97 posts
Haha like I said I standing my ground next time

soaring eagle said:

oh god i hear that sooo often in fact every single time practicly i ghear someone cut their dreads for a job they dont get the job but when thry refi=use to they do

Cameron Zion
13 years ago
45 posts

I shaved my head for the last time in December (unless it's Jah's will of course) and all of my hair is locking and clearly have dreadlocks and they are getting tighter every day. If you forget you have hair you'll see yourself grow and other's will notice your dreadlocks haha.

13 years ago
97 posts
I hear ya man..... I'm trying to forget I have hair...

Cameron Sean said:

I shaved my head for the last time in December (unless it's Jah's will of course) and all of my hair is locking and clearly have dreadlocks and they are getting tighter every day. If you forget you have hair you'll see yourself grow and other's will notice your dreadlocks haha.

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