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how to keep my dreads down

Aubree Thompson
13 years ago
16 posts
this is my second day with my new dreads, i did twist and rip... it sticks out and its driving me crazy how do i keep it down? i had to wear my bandanna to keep it down.. i took a shower this morning it went down but when it dried up it went back up... what do i do?? i'm posting a pic of my dreads sticking up...
updated by @aubree-thompson: 01/13/15 09:02:26PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts
u just made em too tight a couple more washings will help

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Aubree Thompson
13 years ago
16 posts
i kinda figured that out... oh well how often should i wash my hair to make it loose? i showered this morning and i didnt wash it i just got em wet..
Aubree Thompson
13 years ago
16 posts
also should i keep wearing tam or bandanna for a few days or something?

soaring eagle said:
u just made em too tight a couple more washings will help
Aubree Thompson
13 years ago
16 posts
alright i wont stress it! thanks ill make sure i dont wear him for a long time :)

Sacha said:

Don't stress it!

Like SE said over time and with washing they'll go down. Sometimes I use headbandsbecausemy dreaded bangs can be a little chaotic. That's a simple solution for during day. Just don't wear 'em for a long period of time. I had noticed when I wore mine for almost 24 hours I had a serious band line that was not cute.

13 years ago
56 posts
haha the little ones wont behave eh? Dont worry about it.When I first started, the one in the center of my forehead would stick out like a unicorn horn. It will stop on its own:)
Aubree Thompson
13 years ago
16 posts
hahaha thats funny, thats how mine is.. kinda...

princenoobsauce said:
haha the little ones wont behave eh? Dont worry about it.When I first started, the one in the center of my forehead would stick out like a unicorn horn. It will stop on its own:)
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