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help with my loose end

Aubree Thompson
13 years ago
16 posts

Im having a problem dreading the last inch and half to 2 inches of my hair. This is my first try at the twist and rip. I'm using no product like was suggested. They are looking awesome but the ends worry me. I will post some pictures when they are done.


updated by @aubree-thompson: 01/13/15 09:02:21PM
13 years ago
37 posts
With twist and rip it is really hard to dread that last little bit of your hair, anyway it is best to leave the ends loose as blunted tips hold in water can make your hair take alot longer to dry as the water doesn't run freely out the end, it's nothing to worry about it will most likely dread up on its own eventually, like i'm dreading naturally and alot of mine have semi-blunted tips from where my hair has like curled up and i have slept on it or its curled back up and knotted into its self!
Aubree Thompson
13 years ago
16 posts
Alright, Thanks!!! i wont worry... :)

WeenDogg said:
With twist and rip it is really hard to dread that last little bit of your hair, anyway it is best to leave the ends loose as blunted tips hold in water can make your hair take alot longer to dry as the water doesn't run freely out the end, it's nothing to worry about it will most likely dread up on its own eventually, like i'm dreading naturally and alot of mine have semi-blunted tips from where my hair has like curled up and i have slept on it or its curled back up and knotted into its self!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

you dont need to or want to dread the last inch they dry 5 times faster with loose tips leave em alone

blunt tips look goofy anyway

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Aubree Thompson
13 years ago
16 posts
Thanks, i will leave it as is...

soaring eagle said:

you dont need to or want to dread the last inch they dry 5 times faster with loose tips leave em alone

blunt tips look goofy anyway

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