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Dreadlocks Forums

i want to grow neglect

lee cantillano
13 years ago
15 posts

i have dreadlocks before for 2 years and 5months

and removed it..but i kept the hair long i didnt cut it..

now my hair is curly and i want to grow dreadlocks again..but the natural way of growing dreadlocks..

btw the method used was with a use of a crochet hook..

i dont know how to start..:|

can anyone help to start to grow..
how to clean and stuffs like that..:|


updated by @lee-cantillano: 02/14/15 03:32:04AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

glad u took out the crochet dreads

how damagesd was the hair

step 21 to beautiful natural dreads

throw away the comb and conditioners

step 2 wait

wash if u use dread soap scrub the scalp carefully not disturbing the hair rinse thru

if u use baking soeda pour on wait rinse off no toucjhing at all

\step 3 seperate dreads too big or trying to grow together

step 4 wait

step 5 show off your awesome dreads

step 6 ..remind other newbies that crochets really bad for dreads

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
lee cantillano
13 years ago
15 posts


how am i gonna clean my hair?how can i keep it from smelling bad?

and for the baking soda,ill just put it straight to my head?


Jacob Laster
13 years ago
22 posts
mix baking soda with water, then pur on head. let sit then rinse with apple cider vinegar :D*applecidervinegar Mixed with a little water i think
lee cantillano
13 years ago
15 posts
hmm thanks jacob..:Datleast i have an idea..:D
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

the acv u want to have real diluyted and rinse out the baking soda 1st

if u use soap u scrub the scalp only

then rinse thru the hair jusdt rinsing thru the hair cleans it

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
lee cantillano
13 years ago
15 posts


what is acv?:O

but i can use a regular soap,or shampoo to clean my scalp?

btw my picture here shows my hair..thats the latest picture i have..hope i could change it, with the locks on soon..:D

Jacob Laster
13 years ago
22 posts
apple cider vinegar XD
Jacob Laster
13 years ago
22 posts
Btw lee, i feel like ive seen you somewhere. you dont live in the states by any chance?
lee cantillano
13 years ago
15 posts

ow..i see okay..

first?clean scalp with soap

second?the baking soda

third?rinse with acv?


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