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Dreadlocks Forums

My babylocks

13 years ago
15 posts

Hi everybody,

These are my babylocks. Theyre almost 3 weeks old. Ive started my journey on December 23rdin guess what.. a SALON! I have absolutely NO regrets, it was totally worth the money. There was no shady vibe, like oh we gonna rip this boy of and no wax was used.

The proces was started by backcombing/braiding/twist n riping. The sections are not squared, but theyre c-sectioned (moreround) and not the same size.I have approximately 111 locks.

My locks are kinda curly, especially some of the ends. But in the back the curled ends are getting 'sucked' into the dread and the tip feels more blunted.

After 2 weeks though, my locks are getting more flat. Is this just a stage? or do i need to palmroll it to guide it more in a cylindrical shape?

After a few days I wet my hair, I was so afraid that it would unravel.Fortunately it didnt. Ive also noticed that my hair has shrunk. The day I got my dreads started, my hair was touching the top of my shoulder, but now i's a few cm shorter. My hair also was wider/poofy the 1stday, but now it is more compact.

I sleep with a satin hat thing (, which is great. They also have sent me a second dreadcap, free! My hair looks neat after i sleep with it. Its a decent price (10$).

Ive washed my hair twice with BC/AVC + tea tree oil+ lavender oil+ lemongrass (smells really good!).
HOWEVER, Im not allergic to any of the essential oils (tested it on my skin,before I would use it) but after I washed with BC/AVC my hair feels really good but my scalp is so dry, that it turned white after washing and also part of my forehead (its not dandruff I think). Ive put some aloe vera on it but it doesnt really seem to help.

The first time I thought, maybe the concentration of BS is too high(30gr/L), so the nextwash I diluted it more (20gr/L), but theres no difference. Do some of you have the same problem after BC/AVC?

So I ordered Dr. Bronner peppermint because Ive readcomplaints about an oily residue, but I think that it is beneficial for a dryscalp?. I'll use it in a couple of days to see if it makes any difference.

So let me know what you think about my dreads, dry scalp problem and some of the flat dreads.


updated by @jerry: 01/13/15 08:53:23PM
13 years ago
15 posts


Ok i think i'm just gonna use the BS/ACV less frequent. It cleanse pretty well but it is indeed too harsh for my scalp.

13 years ago
235 posts

I myself woudln't reccomend the BS/acv wash for hair like ours, as we dont needbaking soda to help kink it up/dry it out. Our hair does that on its own. However i have heard that vinegar is good for removing buildup and lint so i would reccomend that once a month at least. Beyond that i would reccomend to you a good organic shampoo that contains stuff like jojoba/rosemary/etc etc etc. My hair has benefitted immensely out here in thedry Utah winter from using the type of shampoo i use, and i have been washing it almostevery day, though i am not saying you should yourself.

Plus you said you had a dry scalp problem? That can likely be allieviated by using a organic shampoo. The reason may not reccomend a shampoo bar is if you have hard water, it could leave behind noticeable buildup in your scalp/hair. Otherwise, congrats and best of luck on your journey.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

did u want fat dreads some of the sections seem pretty big not like huge buig but oike the placement in front of yoir ear seems an odd plasce for a really fat dreads

with your hair texture why would anyone backcomb (or go any way but natural for that matter) but u coulda had the same results just twisting the hair into sections (not doing twists like salons do just finger twist a section togethber) and waiting a weeek

no salon gives im gonna rip you off vibe they just do terible jobs and use extremely bad methods whikle charging u an incredibkle ammount all the while being freindly and smily so u dont think its a rippodfdd

now u lucked out and tbsey didnt do an extremely bad job (altho backcombing yoir jair type is extra damaging and not recomended)

so the rippoff totakly depends on what u were charged was it over 50? over 100? over 400?

if 50-60 or about that its ok deal over 100 kinda shady..over 200-400 total rippoff

weve seen it over 700 and the weirdest thing is the more they charge the worse the job generaly

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
15 posts


I'll try the olive oil, it makes sense to put in on before washing, like an oily coating.
Janine said:

Yay for salons that don't rip you off and have a clue! :] They look great!

Your baby locks are kinda flat right now because they're not compact. Meaning when you lay down to sleep, they will flatten some from you laying on them. They still have tightening and budding to do. For me, I palmroll them with some melted shea butter and other oils after I wash. It kinda gets it in a more round shape. But its all about what you wanna do.

I've never tried a BS wash but as Knottysleeves said, I've seen some people saying they can't do it too often because it dries out their scalp. I wash with black soap for now, but I'ma switch back to this moisturizing shampoo that I have when they start to lock some more so my hair isn't so dry. Try getting some kind of oil and rubbing it on your scalp with your fingers. Olive oil is good for a dry scalp. Just rub some on about 30 minutes before you wash and it should give some moisture to it =] it worked for me anyway (loose and locked hair).

13 years ago
15 posts

If i didn't do them in a salon, would you still think that it's an odd place for a fat dread :) I thought this site's main focus is bringing awareness about natural dreadlocks and stuff, but now all the sudden there's a certain dread fashion standard...

I'm not lucky that they didn't do an 'extremely bad' job, because i made a concious decision. I did not walk in the salon, totally unawair, naive and hoping that they'll do a 'not so extremely bad job'. I'm just a happy customer, not a lucky one. I paid over a 100.. But i was in the chair for 7 hours, so it would actually be slavery if i paid him 50. There is something like a minimum wage.

I've been fingertwisting my hair since i was a child (it was my thumb sucking alternative) but after a day and a shower it would 'blend in' with the rest. So my hair is not suited for fingertwisting. Also i've tried 2strand twists a while a go, but they keep unraveling and they stick up and i looked ridiculous (Coolio). It would be so time consuming to retwist the fingertwists every other day. And do not tell me oh just wait a weeek, because after a day the twists are gone.

The man strongly adviced against me having twists (I tested him, to see if he would rip me off or something, because i know it's not gonna work. guess he passed the test). So that is way he backcombed it. I experienced no discomfort, no itchy scalp. The only discomfort i got was from the BS.

soaringeagle said:

did u want fat dreads some of the sections seem pretty big not like huge buig but oike the placement in front of yoir ear seems an odd plasce for a really fat dreads

with your hair texture why would anyone backcomb (or go any way but natural for that matter) but u coulda had the same results just twisting the hair into sections (not doing twists like salons do just finger twist a section togethber) and waiting a weeek

no salon gives im gonna rip you off vibe they just do terible jobs and use extremely bad methods whikle charging u an incredibkle ammount all the while being freindly and smily so u dont think its a rippodfdd

now u lucked out and tbsey didnt do an extremely bad job (altho backcombing yoir jair type is extra damaging and not recomended)

so the rippoff totakly depends on what u were charged was it over 50? over 100? over 400?

if 50-60 or about that its ok deal over 100 kinda shady..over 200-400 total rippoff

weve seen it over 700 and the weirdest thing is the more they charge the worse the job generaly

13 years ago
10 posts
Amen...... i believe its not how you got em... but what they reprensent and if your satisfied with the outcome then thats all that matters..... your locks are clean bro! BLESS
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