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~Help for a new dreader~

Jamie Thompson
14 years ago
36 posts
It's been like a week and my hair seems healthy. Drier and It seems like someBaby dreads are growing. Though I feel like I lose these when I wash.I have been spraying with salt almost every day and leaving it aswell.

Jamie Thompson said:
after washing new dreads is it beneficial to let them completely air dry or should they be dried by a towel.

updated by @jamie-thompson: 07/23/15 05:06:34PM
Jamie Thompson
14 years ago
36 posts
I am going to open this help discussion back up because my hair is growing back to a reasonable length and I am letting it do its thing.My only difficulty now is DANDRUFF!!! this is a real problem all of a sudden and I have been trying to experiment to figure out what really works for me. I just want it figured out before my journey really kicks in.any more advice/personal experience would be greatly far everyone has grown on my dread plan so thats cool. but my mom likes to tell me i look like i have fleas cause i scratch my head all the time.dandruff is kinda gross
charles hubert
14 years ago
19 posts
well if ur scalp is itchy its maybe cause ur not used yet u will get used to it and if u dont do the acv rinse or if ur doing the sea salt sprea that could be a problem too ull figure out just doing the bs rinse with a light acv rinse my hair is dry enuff so and yeah dont use a towel dont touch them at all u let soak and shake them out or just let them dry without doing nothing they will seperate in no time
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts
for dandruff the baking soda with teatree and rosemary oils then rinse then acv with the same oils then rinse then do a freeeeezing cold rinse

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