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Spider Feet
14 years ago
458 posts
Never heard it called that, but that is awesome. The only thing I'm indecisive about with the idea of homeschooling is the social aspect. But even at that....Children learn negative social behaviors in public school.I like that it's the child directing their own learning. Gives them confidence in their own decisions.
updated by @spider-feet: 07/10/15 09:34:17PM
14 years ago
36 posts
Unschooling is pretty much all that the link says...and more :) We live a really fun, relaxed and joyful life with our kids and you really can see them learning in so many ways just by living their lives and engaging in the their world. It is a very different learning than what you see from schooled kids. We found this lifestyle just before my oldest was going to start 1st grade and we've never looked back. As far as socialization goes, it really isn't the issue people imagine it to be. We love it and higly recommend it :) One day I'd love to have a blog going about it to spread the word...
14 years ago
36 posts
Lonnie, yes crazy is a bad choice of words on my part. Unique and interesting are so much better :)
14 years ago
36 posts
soaringeagle said:
since u live so close id love to meet u u seem so cool :)
great choice all the way
Thanks! Maybe one day we will meet up but I think you'd find us pretty ordinary :) We live a fun, relaxed life but are by no means that exciting...
14 years ago
217 posts
I was homeschool and ended up just fine :) welcome to the wonderful world of dreads
14 years ago
68 posts
I saw a family who did unschooling on a tv show a couple of months ago. I think it was called 'radical parenting' or something like that. The unschooling actually looked really cool and when the parents explained it, it sounded like a better option than regular schooling. The family took their kids all over the place though and had awesome hands on teaching tools in their own home.
14 years ago
36 posts
Alicia, I bet it was the Martin family. dayna and her family are very big in the radical unschooling movement. She and her family do travel a lot and she is very, very open to discussing her unschooling lifestyle, and has been on tv, etc. She is my inspiration :) Alicia said:
I saw a family who did unschooling on a tv show a couple of months ago. I think it was called 'radical parenting' or something like that. The unschooling actually looked really cool and when the parents explained it, it sounded like a better option than regular schooling. The family took their kids all over the place though and had awesome hands on teaching tools in their own home.
14 years ago
36 posts
btw, alicia, I love your dreads! they are amazing! how old are they? can you tell me how you got them started? I'm still so very new to this and love all the insight/help I can get.
Roblynn Neumann
14 years ago
6 posts
Welcome and good luck with your dreads. Do you belong to the group radical unschoolers? We unschooled all 7 of our kids, well the youngest is still only 6, but the rest are pretty much grown and doing their thing. Best thing we ever did for our family, and they all even agree with that. You will find your dreads are kind of like your kids, each one unique and doing their own thing. It's a journey! Pura vida.
14 years ago
36 posts
wow, you unschooled when probably not many people even thought about that type of learning :) You are truly a brave woman. Although still on the cusp of challenging tradiontal learning styles, I have lots of support out there. I imagine you may have had little support, I'm very impressed! Glad to hear that your dd did not problems getting into a college. I'jm sure she is an impressive woman. What does she say about her unschool experience?It sounds like your son might be similar to my dd. She is just 3 but keeps asking about when can she go to school. As a RU mom it is really hard for me to hear that but, as you said, it is an individual choice and she may respond really well to that type of learning. And that is the foundation of this parenting style...I have to allow her the freedom to make her choices and respect them.My ds (now 8yo) started out in Montessori up until K at which time he had such a rough experience . Although my husband and I agreed that this experience at the school was pretty bad, we credit it for our leap into this amazing lifestyle!thanks for your story about your kids :) Sister Rags said:
From the 3rd grade on I unschooled my oldest, my daughter, who is now 24. It was an excellent option for her and for her personality. She's doing fine in college now.

My younger, my son, did the traditional school route (but started with a Montessori education). He was a natural for traditional school and is also doing really well in college.

Such an individual choice, ya really have to "listen" to the child's spirit.
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