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dreadlocks shampoo
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Hello Family

2 years ago
2 posts

hi family, good to see you again almost after 4 years

My first set natural/freeform, with 3 years split some sections 25-30 for almost 70-80 thin ones, idk but i felt the end of the journey and I cut my hair and stayed bald. the hair grow again and i feel its a good time for started the second phase, i`m living in brazil and no have dreadlock shampoo all shampoo bars are so much moisture for my hair type, some days ago used again baking soda is inviable, the sections popped out was amazing to see the babies but my scalp feel like lava, I washed one day after with natural local shampoo bars and my initial progress all gone, idk what i use for wash my hair because i cant spend almost 2/3 wage in a month for three bottles or soap bars by Vicky, i loved the products but the shipping and the aditional taxes are completely inviable

Have some advice?


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☮ soaring eagle ॐ
2 years ago
29,641 posts

Can you get dr bronners? As long as the waters not very hard, use that diluted 12-1 12 times more water than soap. 1 bottle makes 12 or 13. Add sea salt if you want to help it dread faster.

if you have hard water though, the bronners bars are less superfatted. 

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
2 years ago
48 posts
Diluting dr bronners like se said will give you tons of washes!
2 years ago
2 posts

ty for reply, but no have bronners in brazil, one time I bougth one liter bottle from ebay, diluated with my oily scalp no work good, I used vicky in the start when finish I back to Baking soda, after a time i try some artisans soaps, all no work good for dreads, one bar with tea tree and rosemary was good, but the seller was closed for one sanitary agency.

my hair is black when pass time turn in red, but after 5 years and 2 monthds ALL methods leaving my sections White inside,  baking soda or soap all leaving white, gross apparence i dont liked it. Also try washing only with water I stayed with only water more than 2 years,  was strange but after some time i loved only water.

no was easy cut them all, stay bald the ppl in the street with fear was strange.   

so I opened some sections for see what the white stuff can be: the reply can be  natural oily from scalp and normal descamation, bcz them pass for scalp for inside sections and no have way for exit. baking soda in try dissolve maked the withe color back

since i cutted off i no recognize myself, i removed almost entire body modifications of my face also.

now i feel fear for dedicated more years for in the future these things happen again, white stuff inside and weak hair.

thanks so much for your replies family

updated by @usernamebr: 04/07/22 02:11:35PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
2 years ago
29,641 posts

Don’t use baking soda that was the worst mistake I ever made it made my hair so incredibly week it was just falling apart and disintegrating

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
2 years ago
29,641 posts

Baking soda burns off skin, leaving a white paste f skin. Acv dissolves bone and hair the softening  it does is your hair actually being dissolved

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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