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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums
3 years ago
1 posts

so its been awhile since ive been here and looking to start dreading just not sure how to go about it

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
3 years ago
29,641 posts

Simply stop preventing it from dreading.

switch to a dread shampoo   Is by fear best

liquid for all hair types except African, at least till dreaded then bars.. bars for African hair from the start 

liquids going to dry your hair make it knot fast but too drying for African type hair.

 Stop combing stop wearing hats. If you want to total freeeform.. thats it, but might end up with crazy huge dreads..

so semi freeform as it startes to dread separate so none are larger then 1 inch sections AT THE SCALP or you dont have any joining togetner to become too big

its best to separate the 1st year or 2 then if you want thicker let some combine, rather then let them combine and be thick early only to find they end up twice as thick as expected.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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