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Do i have traction alopecia

4 years ago
6 posts

I have been locing for 2 1/2. Last yr in october, halloween to be exact was my last retwist. I had been loc'd for 1 yr 10 months then. I stopped retwisting when i noticed a few dreads getting thin. But is it to late do i have traction alopecia because the hair on top isnt as thick as the rest of the hair elsewhere. Does traction start in 1 yr? What can i do to thicken that spot cuz im so close to just cutting them.

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☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

yes you do but its minor and very likely reversable

if you search i think its in the featured discussions theres a post thats called traction alopecia (or balding forget which) caused in just 10 (was it weeks or months) 

this guy was the old "fryer tuck' look  a huge  bald spot  at least 6-8 inches across completely bald

and that was cause he was retwisting twice a week

now why do they even make you THINK retwisting is a good idea? they want you to be ashamed of having hair on your scalp, but not just any hair that 'unsightly nappy hair" and the most ironic thing of all is most of the locticians causing it themselves are black

case in point just last night had a conversation with the nastiest loctician in france from locks itup with style

paraphrasing but went basicly like this

(she tried joining our group)

me: hi we don't normally allow locticians but since you spelled locks right i'll give you the benifit of doubt and talk 1st

me: oh never mind i saw the photos your causing the same traction alopecia they all do


me: you don't care that your causing balding?

her ;NOPE

me; well i do cause i have ethics


(note she was talking in all caps)

me: invented/ i'm confused invented what, hair?

and from there went on into the typical racist rant

but she kept saying again and again that she didn't care if she caused balding

1% thats all i have found in the entire world with ANY ethics whatsoever

1% that either will not do a retwist or style if theres thinning already.. 1% that will say sorry we do not do these unhealthy methods 1% willing to say your hairs not healthy you need to stop doing ____

ok sorry for the long rant  you just wanted to know how to fix it

here you go

1 NEVER RETWIST AGAIN don't palm roll either just wash and separate you should have hair on the scalp its not unsightly its healthy the bald checkerboard or 'doll head' look  with thinning dreads surrounded by scalp..thats unsightly and painfutl to look at

2 use this massage technique with these oils

the most ironic thing of all they have people convinced they have to do it to fit in with white society and get a job

but most while people see it and cringe at the tightness

and not 1 employer cares iif yoyr dreads have loosehair they care if your loose hair has dreads

and the law, at least here, protects dreads in the workplace not because of race or culture, but because of belief..'any sincerely held belief' 

whats in common with ALL religious or spiritual dreads/ they are all natural, unmaintained

so they are literally having you throw away your only RIGHT in exchange for profit (theirs)

again sorry for the long rant haha just woke up

but don't shave or cut these are almost certainly savsable 100%  although nothings certain with traction alopecia 1 person can twist  every week and havbe very little thinmning for years another can have permenant harm in months

so its a 'mosest lukely 100%' siutuation although since its pretty minor it shoulod

no tension on the scalp at all tilk recovered. styling  pony tails anything

do the massage

how often do you wash it/ if you took a locticians advice  double it or faer more likely increase it by a factor of 10-20

weekly at least

though i would recommend a fully natural shampoo like (bars only for your hair type)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
4 years ago
6 posts
Thank you eagle. No you didnt rant it made alot of sense. At the time i was new to locs and this was my first time having long hair but soon as i found out about how locticians do this just to make money i stopped. Im never retwisting again. I was washing once every 3 weeks but im gonna start washing weekly now. What shampoo should i use, do you guys have any shampoo that is liquidy and not thick so it washes out easily.
4 years ago
6 posts
Since you said bars only ( i didnt see that part) which one should i buy?
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

any u want and they rinse out with extreme ease

but locs is a made up word like locticians its not in any disctionary however locks is in  thousands of books friom the bible to shakspear

locs is a term they use again to shame you into thinking the k makes them unexceptaable so you must maintain them  for a free

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
4 years ago
6 posts
Gotcha thanks again. I just purchased a bar and the pink salt spray. How long until shipping?
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

very quick though i wouldnt have gotten the spray fir the same reason i said bar not liquid the liquid has sea salt in it  sea salt dries out the hair, great for accelerating the dreading of non african hair but for african hair it is too drying

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
4 years ago
6 posts
Okay i will not use it. Ill probably just give it away are something
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

you coiuld email her ask her to swap it for another bar

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
4 years ago
6 posts
Hey eagle is there a way where i can switch out the spray for a 2nd bar of soap the same kind. You can keep whatever extra money. Since i dont need the spray
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