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Stick it to the man! issues

Alive She Cried
12 years ago
51 posts

For the past year I've been trying to figure out what I can do to make money to keep me up, something I truly enjoy because it's work on my own schedule where I am free to leave like a bird and go on adventures. I was wondering my brothers and sisters what you all do to make money to be able to attend gatherings, pay for your gas guzzling VW buses and meet all your family needs at the same time,, survive, etc I am just looking for a little insight some tips, any info would be put to use, I've cut things out of my life that I found not needed don't take much i live simple figured this would be a good place to ask~thanks <3

updated by @alive-she-cried: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

many dont use money at all

but everybodies kitchen as an example shares food year round all over the country but they take a 2 month break here ant d there to do roofing jobs that then support the kitchen and pay for stuff they cant get free

then again we have ceos of fortune 500 companies too in the family

others who live off grid and self suficient

we have trust fund kids who refuse to touch a cent of the funds

others barter their way crosds country

if u make stuff you can actualy trade for gas sometimes

many of the schoolbusses most id say run on veggie oil

so its practicly free

ofcourse most do rideshares to share expenses

some walk or bike coast to coast so the trip from gathering to gatherings a year long adventure

theres many ways

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Alive She Cried
12 years ago
51 posts

I went to a bioenergy meeting the other day they were discusing converting vehicles to run on alternatives i asked about VW vans (don't have one yet) and what would be the next step if i wanted to convert the man told me i would have to have adiesel vehicle first (said there was to much filtering with veggie oil) and that he didn't think they made many VW that ran on diesel if any told me i should get an old mercedes benz or something...thoughts on any of this?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

the old mercedes suposedly run on veg oil withoiut much modifications but yea deisels the way to go to run veg oil they were originaly designed to run on peanut oil then it was acidently discovered they wiuld run on deisel which was actualy a waste biproduct that they used to just burn off deisels were redesigned to run on deisel to take advantage odf the waste biproduct,..and polute more

a guy at rainbow found a way to use aluminum cans and dirty dish water as a power sourse

you take old aluminum cans scrape them (they have a coating on them u want to scrape off to expose the alumunum to oxidation) toss the aluminum cans into the dirty water (it can be clean he just used dish water as a demo) then take the graphite..pencil leads and make those diods attach a wire to them each pencil lead creates 1 volt the more you put in the more volts you get out


this also does more then that it seperates the o and h in the water so you get hydrogen and oxegen which can be captured and used as fuel

about 1/2 way thru is his trash to energy thing

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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