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Zhuangzi interpretations?

14 years ago
74 posts
absolutely makes sense. That is sort of the gist that i got at in my paper i had to write. It's very dao.... living in the moment. Shannon Rose said:
hmmm, haven't read any of this, would very much like to. thanks for sharing. when i first read the quote, i thought of this...every man's path is so personal no one else may walk it and it is experienced moment by moment. a particular person hasn't formed a path yet. i suppose i had to write a poem based on drawing a perfect circle around my self and describing what i see. it occured to me that absolutely no one else will ever see these things, in this perspective, at this moment... not even myself (again). does that make sense? it's like "be here, now," line of thought. bless up, yeah?
updated by @bird: 07/23/15 03:19:13AM
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