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Do My Baby Dreads Look OK?

12 years ago
4 posts


So I just started my dreads journey yesterday using the twist & rip (tnr) method. I've got naturally straight fine-textured thick hair (skinny hairs, lots of it). A few questions below for the experienced dreaders out there...

1) Do my roots look OK? (photo below) They looked tight-ish right after I did the tnr, but then after I washed them today (using a baking soda rinse with minimal scalp rubbing + cold water), I noticed after they dried that there are a LOT of loose roots (and SO MUCH FRIZZ!!). Like 2" or longer on some locks. :( I didn't rough my hair up with a towel or anything, just squeezed a bit (the locks didn't get too soaked and they dried fast). I'm nervous that the dreads/knots are gonna stay in my hair while the roots just keep growing straight, which would obviously look awful.

2) I only got around 19 dreads total, does that seem like a super low amount?

3) Do my dreads look frizzier than usual? (photo below)

4) How much time does it usually take for dreads to mature? Do the roots look tighter by then? What are some other signs that the dreads are mature?

5) Where is a good place to get small, colorful wooden dread beads? The ones I've found so far are 1" in diameter, a bit too big.

Thank you!


updated by @beeankha: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

15 is going to mean really fat dreads

really fat

if you dont want hard o care for dreads then id recomend 30 or more

the roots will be very loose for mny months its normal and nesacary the frizziness is normal and fine

my dreads started at a couple inches

theyre now a foot past my ti]ies.. if the roots didnt dread themselves i wouldnt have long dreads woukd i?

your worrying about things that are perfectly normal


My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
4 posts

Thanks so much for your reply, SE!

12 years ago
4 posts

So dreads just keep getting thicker and thicker? They stop thickening up at some point, correct?

12 years ago
4 posts

And just one more question... why are fat dreads harder to care for than thinner ones?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

they thicken up to the section size

large dreads hold in water way longer so are more likely to mold, they are harder to wash as well

if they congo..your really in trouble cause then they are truly massive they can pull unevenly causing pain etc

baba wrote a great discussion on the special needs of far dreads

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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