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Dreadlocks Forums


Ellie J Righteousness
12 years ago
12 posts

What should I do to help keep the frizzies to a minimum? im only a week and a 1/2 along so i know its probably normal, but I feel like I got part dreads/ frizz fro goin on.. help?

updated by @ellie-j-righteousness: 01/13/15 09:26:30PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

nothing at all just leave em be and get used to it

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ellie J Righteousness
12 years ago
12 posts

well works for me haha ^_^ thanksi guess i just nv realized that frizz is apart of it- maybe i just needed some reassurance that it was normal lol

soaring eagle said:

nothing at all just leave em be and get used to it

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

they will be very frizzy earluy =on then get less and less fro=izz but it never really goes away completely the thing is you are looking too close othwrs wont see as much frizz as you see

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Tara C
12 years ago
644 posts

Frizz is normal. They can't go from combed hair to dreads without any frizz. It's all a part of having dreads, and no-one even notices it really lol it's one of those things that you see more than anyone else sees.

Ellie J Righteousness
12 years ago
12 posts

thanks man ^_^ it has its moments like ill wake up with a "bad hair day" but its a "frizz day" lol

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