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Dreadlocks Forums

4 months today

10 years ago
18 posts


I just wanted to start this off by thanking every single one of you for spreading the love and true purpose of dreadlocks. Today is my 4 months, so it's been an interesting morning looking back @ the pictures thus far into my own journey.. 4 months ago doesn't sound like very long.. Well i've really shocked myself at how much my dreads, and myself have transformed since December. I'm luckier then others when it comes to the topic of back combing & crazy methods.. i was still so new when discovering this forum.. I am blessed to say i stopped the nonsense before it even began. My hair's been a wreck the past few months... (no pun intended) it's only starting recently to lay down or not look so awkward to others haha. But if you had asked me the same questions about my hair Dec 1st when i started and now you'd get 2 completely different answers from a person in 2 very different places in life. Long story short.. today i know i am who i was created to be.. My hair is more then just a cosmetic trend, or phase. My dreads have truly helped me learn to embrace myself for who i am. In the beginning i was constantly worried about how my hair looked, or when they would actually "look" like "dreads".. 2 months ago i finally stepped back and remembered this journey was mine, and mine only regardless of what ANYONE had to say.. good, bad, ugly, as sensitive as i felt and feel some days no ones petty comments or words would distract me from being who i am. I finally learned to sit back and let go.. for once in my life, i gave up trying to control everything and let my hair do what it was created to do. NOW, today.. all the people who questioned or commented on my hair are the ones who look at me in awe. I've never been complimented more in my life... my mom keeps telling me how i look natural, "comfortable" and how she can see the happiness radiating out of me. I'm true to myself for once in life, i'm so comfortable in my own skin.. .my dreads have helped me open up and look at myself in a different light. I love myself more today then ever.. With that i won't babble anymore.. Just ask yourself.. am i doing this for the right reasons.. I LOVE YOU ALL :)

updated by @quillen2: 01/13/15 10:03:10PM
10 years ago
18 posts

thank you so much!! there all over haha but i love my hair!! you got any pics of yours?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

i love everything you had to say about your dread journey its all so true

so u started with backcomb?

they look so good

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
18 posts

I literally backcombed one piece in the very beginning and thanks to you and further investigation i was lucky enough to not cause any damage. When i tried to back comb the one section of hair it felt so wrong!!! Haha it was painful and i realized after a few minutes it was not even working... I truly believe it was something protecting my hair or giving me a sign.. Because that day i remember starting this forum, really asking for advice, &discoveringthe true meaning on "dreadlocks". I'm so grateful for this forum and other blogs. My hair is 100% natural and it's created a domino effect on my mood, and myself as a whole. It's a become a very spiritual process i hold near and dear to my heart. Happy 4 months to my babies ;P.

10 years ago
18 posts

Check out my pics, i just posted my shampoo and personal directions, though everyone is different. Kudos to you love!! Atleast you're not "rushing" or losing focus on the true purpose of dreadlocks! <3

As my mom would say it's not a sprint, or race, but yet a marathon haha <33

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