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Homeschool/unschool folks?

Coco Chloe
12 years ago
16 posts
Hi! I'm wondering how many homeschooling or unschooling parents are in this community? We do relaxed child-led hs. It seems similar to growing dreads - providing the right environment and trusting natural development.
updated by @coco-chloe: 05/17/19 04:52:59PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

moved it to the new "dready interests' category

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
333 posts

I don't really get the point in this. Children want to be instructed. They want to be told what to do and know when and to do it. Conventional education is the right environment for learning, in most cases. I know that the US has a pretty bad educational system, but in many areas of the world it works very effectively.

School not only teaches children academic things, but it teaches them social skills and how to interact with a group. This is an extremely important thing for them to learn. I'm not saying that other methods don't work, but I think that conventional learning is probably better, on the whole.

Perhaps a mix of different schooling methods would be better. The child may learn certain things faster when spending, say, Friday andSaturday on focusedlearning at home and the rest at school, learning in the group context.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

what? adam have u ever met a kid? children wantto be told whatto do? what children are these/

tell most kids to brush their teeth or even just put on your pants before going to school and all u get is screamming arguing and tge stuburn foot stomping i doi9nt want to

most kids you ask what do u want for dinner and even if you leave the decision up to them you still get im not eattingthat i dont like it (ven after insisting it was whatthey want)

the public education systems a j9ke its a scaryjoke too

for many kids its pure hell

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
333 posts

But the problem in the education system is just that. Its not the method that's the problem, but the application of that method. For instance, 40 children in a class is way too many. I've heard that there are numbers like that in the US. That is bound to lead to problems.

It's also true that some kids learn differently. Tactile learners, for example. But many, many children do just fine in the educational system, even when it is done improperly.

And yes, children love to be told what to do. It's in their genes. They love to be guided (Read Richard Dawkins "the greatest show on earth". He touches on it there.). The kids may stomp and scream, but they will do it in the end. There are, of course, better ways of getting them to do these things. Leading by example is a great way (this allows them to model your behaviour).

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

herss what they learn in the "group context"

  • he who punches first gets the most milk money
  • teasing 101 push the right buttons for maximum effect
  • how to spot an insecurity and use it to drive someone to suicide
  • dont wear nice shoes if you dont want them stollen
  • fights are more easily won when its 8 to 1
  • (in some schools what u learn is who caries a gun and whos most likely to snap)
  • u learn its easier to dress like everyone else ..having y9ur own style makes you a target
  • you learn what bugs taste like
  • and mud
  • you learn that your gym teacher sure loves to watch you shower
  • you learn acedemics are poinless if your good at chasing balls

shal i go on?

besides more often those who are homeschooled excell at acedemics..way beyond what they could learn in a school setting

now there is a missing interaction when yiu seclude them in the home to teach but theres a great op\tion

comunal homeschooling

3 or 4 parents on 1 block or 1 neighbourhood teaching the 3 or 5 families kids..together the kids interact ..supervised make friends 1 on 1 education still but from a few people

Adam Kelly said:

I don't really get the point in this. Children want to be instructed. They want to be told what to do and know when and to do it. Conventional education is the right environment for learning, in most cases. I know that the US has a pretty bad educational system, but in many areas of the world it works very effectively.

School not only teaches children academic things, but it teaches them social skills and how to interact with a group. This is an extremely important thing for them to learn. I'm not saying that other methods don't work, but I think that conventional learning is probably better, on the whole.

Perhaps a mix of different schooling methods would be better. The child may learn certain things faster when spending, say, Friday andSaturday on focusedlearning at home and the rest at school, learning in the group context.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

so the systems broken but its still the best system? false

there are better syatems this 1 should be abandoned

kids have enough trouble letting parents tell them what to do teachers you get that "your not my dad" syndrome

most kidssit in school waiting for the day to end so they can go home anything they do absorb was purely accidental or was forced to remember by calling them out making them feel dumnbb for not knowing it

but most of what they are ableto remember wasnt cause they were paying attention but just cause it was being talked about whilethey were in the room

even the worse parents could do a better job teaching then most schools can

Adam Kelly said:

But the problem in the education system is just that. Its not the method that's the problem, but the application of that method. For instance, 40 children in a class is way too many. I've heard that there are numbers like that in the US. That is bound to lead to problems.

It's also true that some kids learn differently. Tactile learners, for example. But many, many children do just fine in the educational system, even when it is done improperly.

And yes, children love to be told what to do. It's in their genes. They love to be guided (Read Richard Dawkins "the greatest show on earth". He touches on it there.). The kids may stomp and scream, but they will do it in the end. There are, of course, better ways of getting them to do these things. Leading by example is a great way (this allows them to model your behaviour).

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
333 posts

Yeah, they may excel academically, but many of them end up socially retarded. There has to be a balance.

All those negatives have balanced positives related to them. For example, you learn how to deal with bullies, learn to fight, stand up for yourself and that your friends will stand up for you etc. When you encounter bullies in the workplace and haven't had these experiences, what would you do? You'd lie down and let them walk all over you.

And some of those aren't even negatives. Some people do better at physical activity and focus their life on that. I see no problem in this. Once the person is happy, what is the problem?

And the gym teacher... Again a problem from within the system, but not the system itself.

Your suggestion there probably wouldn't work. Well, that is only if the parent actually have jobs. Plus, they wouldn't be qualified to teach. Yes, having learned to teach IS important.

12 years ago
333 posts

Like I said, maybe in the US. Schools in Europe are generally pretty solid. I hated school (probably due to a very bad early experience with one nasty teacher), but I'm going on the be a doctor. The system works. Is it perfect? No. It could be improved. But, it works.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

socialy retarded as apposed to those who grew up in the school system and think fists solve everything
as apposed to those who think date rapes a fun night
socialy retarded as apposed to those who think drinking till u pukes a normal day drinking till you black out and dont find out till the next day what u did .now thatsa party.
socialy retarded as apposed to ..what? whats socially acceptasble anyways
most of the homeschool kids i know are amazuing extremely freindly very..enlightened and aware kida

if anything the kids in school are losing out because they aret exposed to kids that arent total assholes just to be assholes
schools are training grounds for tomorows morons abuser\s assholes and psychopaths

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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