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Dreadlocks Forums

Waxy white stuff!

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Greetings to Norway from Canada. My mom is from Finland, so I know your winters. Does your country sell a product called SHAMWOW, which is a liqued absorbing cloth? If not, I am sure they are sold on the web or try an auto shop store. Soaring Eagle said he used it to help dry his hair, so I bought a large one to try. It literally reduces hours from my hair drying time. And yes, hot air blow dryers will heat the oil on the scalp and also dry out the dreads, which reverses what essential oils do. Stay warm, we are having winter here too.

Reben said:

So i'll just stay as clean, bronners-free, blowdrier-free and such until my scalp gets healthier.

updated by @the-barrellady: 07/18/15 11:47:55PM
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