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scalp issues

13 years ago
114 posts
i bought a soap bar made of spearmint, peppermint, rosemary & lavender, it does wonders. i really recommend rosemary and cold water rinse.
updated by @foxpaw: 07/13/15 09:59:44AM
Mello D
13 years ago
2 posts
what is the name of the soap& were can I get it?
13 years ago
9 posts

Out of the 2-3 times that I was my hair a week, only once do I do my mix of baking soda and tea tree, because I find that the tea tree dries my scalp and often the bs stays put even though I rinse thoroughly, and it makes my head itchy and bs falls out like dandruff -.- the other times I just use water and vinegar, and then spray my hair with a teeny bit oflavenderand jojoba. Loooove it :)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

your using too much teatree not enough bs then

the bs cant "fall out like dandruff" it turns to gas and evaporates but it exfoliates ..looseing dead and dry skin if you dont make it strong enough that druy skin wont be removed

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