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locs and traction alopecia from twisting or interlocking

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

traction alopecia is caused by tension on the roots over extended periods of time, this can be caused from keeping it pulled back or up in a tight style without releasing the tension (taking it down) often, or from over tightening the roots its extremely common among african americans even children due to tight braids and cornrows left in for months at a time and among those who call dreadlocks locs its nearly universal with over 99% showing signs of trouble wether minor or advanced stage asains as well have a higher then normal risk due to some tight styling and even weaves can cause the issues danger signs include (not all might show up) bumps along the hairlines where the roots are tightened sometimes resembling pimples, loss of hair in gaps between dreads/braids that refuse to grow bac k as long as the tension remains receding hairlines (from being pulled back) with braids and cornrows and dreads the gaps between themn widen exposing more and more scalp advanced stages it can become wide sporead baldinjg wich may even become permenant in the most severe cases.. treatment is essential and you must act fast at the earliest signs of trouble you jmust keep all tensionoff the roots including thye weight of the hair itself if long no tightening of roots no tight styles or buns the scalp needs to be massaged daily to stimulate bloodfol9w to the scalp essential oios that help bring bloodflow to the kin/scalp can help too biotin supliments help and a biotin/ploacenta treatment may speed recovery
the photo is an example of traction alopecia that has progressed to thye point of being a serious concern and will take many months to recover

it should also be noted that 40% of all african americans experience traction alopecia in thier lifetimes

This is by far the most extreme example

it has become common practice among locticians to do styles like this.

once the traction alopecia has progressed to the point that when hanging down they look too scraggly and scalpy, instead of stopping the tightening that causes it they style it in even tighter styles.

with each dread dangerously thin already they wrap dozens together into tight coils, pulling into a tight rope like style.

Now not only the hairs in the dread sections pulling in horizontally towards the thinning dread, but each dread pulling tightly horizontally into the coils.

these are often left in untill tye next tightening appointment.

there is no release of tension, and widespread devastating balding is the result.

the woman in the photo above will most likely need a hair transplant.

update; this was just posted in a facebook group called girls with dreads are hot the same group the above picture was posted in

this is the look salons call neat tidy sexy hot, whatever

the look they believe all dreads should have

this is the goal of twisting and interlocking when taken as far as it can be taken

at this point there is very little hope of recovery.

notice the pin in there

as tight and bald as she is already shes actively tightening and causing more balding

this is not tidy

this is not neat

this is not fresh

this is what salons and locticians do intentionaly

they use shame tactics if you have hair on your scalp your unkempt nasty dirty look homeless etc you know the rant.

they often post pics almost this bad with captions like "so fresh"

they make you believe this is how you should look

and its shameful to have hair on your head

do not fall for it!

if your twisting or interlocking...

just stop

if your forcing roots to be tight

just stop

balding is not as attractive as they make you believe

if your dreads and scalp do not recover in a few months, join us right away

in most cases we can help save you from transplants

in some cases the traction alopecia cannot bereversed

in any cases with traction alopecia and locs the sooner you stop causing it the better

once your traction alopecia has progressed this far, and locs thinned this much

it will take at least a year to get even partial recovery.

they are your locs

take better care of them so they last

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 02/14/15 03:26:10AM
Nim Davis
10 years ago
4 posts

I was never aware that such a thing was out there, but it seems to answer a lot of questions I once had about a woman with dreads (from when I was younger and ignorant).

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

im in a fb group and see at least 5-10 a day posting with these issues

its getting more and more common and more and more severe it seems every year

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Nim Davis
10 years ago
4 posts

That is horrible! I hope something comes to help improve this! Does is cause locs to actually fall off due to the thinning?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

updated with new shocking photo

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
173 posts

Wow. Those poor locs. :( If only they had done their research..

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

i told her..her responce was 'i dont need you telling me how to maintain my locs i will never listen to you'

then deleted the post

im terified that she will need a transplant

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Beadsforlocks Vdr
10 years ago
1 posts

Maybe I can answer a little bit...I'm black : half french & Half Ivorian born and living in Paris.

Few years ago and unfortunatly still nowadays a lot of black girls relaxed their hair, or put wigs on their head because images of beauty we had was only the white one.

The fact to let our hair live with any product to transform them and assume our nappy hair is recent for most of us.

You know in Africa or french West indies wearing locks is not very easy because people juge you automatically as drug-addict, dealer, dirty person, thief or what ever....

And lot of blak people who wear dreadlocks do not like when hair are frizzing, with new groth because they are quickly juged by their own family and friends like neglected.

So the maintenance you were talking about is the way for themseves and for the others show that you can were locks and be clean.


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

i know thats why but going bald dont look cleanand whatsdreally weit=rd is that the salons that do the=is recomend washing only monthly and not at all for the 1st year

they wanbt a "tidy" look even if diseased but not clean at all cause clean means fuzzyt

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Michelle Kawaii
10 years ago
1 posts
I see so many women with traction alopecia, it's not even funny. And what's worse, is that the other hairstylists do styles that only exacerbate the problem, causing an endless cycle of tightness and baldness. I get a lot of flack from some ppl because my natural hair looks unkempt in their eyes but I don't mind having frizzy hair as long as my hair stays thick at the roots!
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