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Dreadlocks Forums


Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Hey. I'll just reiterate what most everyone else had to say. They look great, but if you used wax, you should get it out. wax slows the progress down and if left inside your locks, can cause some really nasty problems. Think of what a swamp does to organic matter. Wax prevents water draining and will do to your hair what swamps do to everything that goes into them. It's worth going through a rigorous wax removal to get it all out.

Palm rolling does 1 of 2 things. Either it will make them look nice for a few hours until your sleep on them or wash them. Or it will destroy your roots to a point that it may take years to recover, or never recover. Check out my vid on palm rolling to see what I mean. I did it myself to a few locks and I still regret it 6 years later.

There is no top secret method to get round locks. It's just how they form. As you sleep on them they get compressed in all different directions. Eventually they end up mostly round. Some may be flatter than others, and some may keep their bumps and kinks, but for the most part they round out. I have a vid about round/flat locks too. If you want to check it out.

As for those people that ignored you or were rude... Some people get more annoyed with strangers asking about their hair. It's a shame, because part of becoming patient while growing locks is that you also become patient with others questioning them, and you for growing them. Those people tend to have used wax, or crochet needles or other methods to speed up the process. That means that their locks matured faster than they did emotionally. Don't take it personally. They are not as ready as you are to talk to strangers about something as personal as their life choices. It's all on them, not you. Keep asking them. There's no harm in it. But the ones that are rude just prove themselves to be people that you don't need in your life.

Aside form them, you have all of us to answer questions and be your friends, even if it's just in the cloud

updated by @baba-fats: 07/18/15 02:49:57PM
Tied up in knots
12 years ago
202 posts

Wow. Compared to the pictures you posted just a month ago...amazing. Your dreads look great.

I honestly did not expect such a drastic change in such a short time. Did you undo any of the interlocking or did you just let if go from there?

Seriously. They look really good.

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